
restorecord SOURCE CODE & DATA BREACH scamming & backdoor exposed

Submitted by mak0001, , Thread ID: 288035

03-03-2024, 08:19 PM
This post was last modified: 26-03-2024, 10:22 PM by mak0001
Edit: video of xenos personal Telegram account selling data https://nelsoncybersecurity.com/xenos-sell-data.mp4
More proof https://imgur.com/a/q6xcraM

Admin panel
[Image: jBRjvtR.png]
[Image: pJ0DLNu.png]

restorecord is a bot that just caught selling their user data, their owner intentionally put a backdoor to sell out his own members to some site called "inf0sec" 🤡

so, do NOT use restorecord, they are untrusted scammers. I recommend either VaultCord or Restorio since they have more features and trusted owners.

basically a large Youtuber uncovered restorecord data breached and restorecord lied said it was "bug" or "rogue admin" but we can see clearly the owner xenos1337 added the backdoor (search "inf0sec")

Contents of this post:
  • Leaked Next.js source
  • Leaked PHP source
  • Leaked emails, usernames, browser data & IPs

the owner is a 16 year old skid that leaked his github access token 🤣

FREE demo site here https://restorewhore.com/ make sure you frequently click "export" button on members tab. Then you can move your members into VaultCord anytime whenever that website goes offline, or you want to access the greater features provided by VaultCord

Source code #1
This is the latest code updated 2024 (recent). Next.js code, there is also a PHP source below that may be easier for some people

✅ Links still valid as of March 26, 2024

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Source #2
This source is the old PHP source code from 2022. The website is PHP but the bot is C#. But you could use something like Planetscale so that you can run the bot from your PC after compiling to EXE file. And then the PHP source code can probably be hosted on any free host like 000webhost etc.

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After the source code leak & hack, it was possible to exfiltrate restorecord's systems further to obtain email addresses, usernames, IPs, browser. restorecord has shown ZERO care to their users and has hid this breach from them even though they know this data is out there..

if one link doesn't work, try the next one until you get working link
Email/username/metadata Dump:
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IP dump:
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and they're scamming anyone that doesn't support them https://cracked.io/Thread-Scammed-by-res...for-30-USD
owner has a history for scamming over small, petty shit https://cracked.io/Thread-Scammed-for-10...-xenos1337

this information was given to me legally consistent with the US CFAA laws. The intention of this is solely for security research. since restorecord is breaking the GDPR laws where they live in EU, I had to report the breach myself..
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Nelson Cybersecurity LLC
VaultCord.com Discord member & server backups

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