The Lounge

Prefered Linux distro ?

Submitted by llek, , Thread ID: 149538

Thread Closed
12-11-2019, 03:59 PM
Hi! I'm looking for linux distros for my Main PC and I can't decide on what to pick so I'm asking you guys - What is your preffered linux distro ?

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

I have always liked Ubuntu... Its nice and the GUI is beautiful.

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

Ubuntu for its sleek GUI. Always preferred it over windows.

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

if you ask this use ubuntu.. lol
if you knew anybetter for your use you wouldnt ask that

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

ubuntu is pretty sexy ngl lol, linux overall depends on who makes it, some are really cool and other are a bit ehhhhh

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

another guy said it, if you gotta ask then use ubuntu

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

Been using Debian for a while although these days I've been stuck with windows since my linux partition got corrupted after an upgrade. Need to re-install it.

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

I would go with CentOS 7, but that's mainly because that's the OS i've been using since forever Smile

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

I use gentoo on the lappy cause i like how open it is and how non cluttered it is compared to other distros

RE: Prefered Linux distro ?

If you start from scratch, no knowledge of Ubuntu is okay, then, of course .. it depends on what you need to do .. if you can use Windows 10 as a host and virtualize Linux, so you can try more distro.

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