
Personal Feedback

Submitted by Oathkeeper, , Thread ID: 168723

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Take your heart
24-04-2020, 11:53 AM
This post was last modified: 24-04-2020, 11:55 AM by Oathkeeper
I would like to leave my first impressions and suggestions to specific detailsthat,Ibelieve,should be adressed.

The security is tight here.I personally like this "no-bullshit" policy.Plus,the whole hussle if you just want something out of the leak section,should fend off any leecher.The dark theme is nice and I like the organising and sorting the site has.

About the things that I thought of from my clicking around:
-->The warnings before the 15-post mark.I paid them attention at the first few logins and got reminded.However,after a couple more,it has become more of an eyesore.I get why they are here,or the importance of making that clear,and I am all about it,but how about making it less "menacing"?A paler,less "attention snatching"colour perhaps?Or less cut-off wording?I dunno,up to the developers.

-->There are too many options and ways to optimize and costumize the layout and the settings of the site,which is awesome.However, there is little encouragement to do so.I feel like many people are not bothering that much about it,which is a pity.Bellow the warning signs,how about that addition?

-->The error message,"Nulled" is a little bit confusing.It basically means that there is something wrong and is of general use.I mostly get it now but, starting up,I merely got confused.I would propose,basically,to cut-off some wording (more "bullet pointed" like,with less explanation)and make the letters bigger.Besides,if there is an error,most people would rush to post a thread for assistance,so it doesn't help that much.It serves better to be plainer and possibly to post a pinned thread as to why that happens(perhaps redirect them there with a link to it in the "Nulled" page?)

-->The three options at the top of the home page(New content,Random thread and NSFW)should be removed.New content can be seen below,on the latest posts(which is more convinient),random thread mostly shows up posts way back and you don't really feel like commenting on a post from 2016,and the NSFW option would be best to be in the Control Panel as a toggle.Most people would either have it constantly ON or OFF.

-->The search bar is a bit out of wack.It is not easy finding something and if the search wording is even a bit vague,it shows up a barrage of different posts.But I think this is a coding issue,to which I have no extended knowledge,so it mostly just point it out.

That's about it regardingmy personal first impressions.
Ohh and a disclaimer:This is simply feedback from your friendly neighbor.Never intented to take any jabs at anyone.
[Image: 02dc2ff30a91cfba8379da958848db64.gif?fbc...lL9N_QZTaI]
My grand upgrader (thrice): Ninja

RE: Personal Feedback

24-04-2020, 05:20 PM
1. The warning should disappear once you're an "established" member of the community. The warning is supposed to be menacing until then since well... it's a warning.
2. I don't think we can really encourage people to customize the forum. Creating a notification/banner to let people know they can customize the theme won't happen. Notifications are only for providing important information. (If I understood you correctly anyway)
3. Sorry, don't understand what you mean by the error message "Nulled". None of our forum error messages should have some kind of error code or explanation. Mind posting a screenshot?
4. The latest posts in the sidebar is limited only to a few, while new content shows up more posts. I agree that random thread should have some time limit system, instead of showing threads from years ago. NSFW should stay on index, it's meant to be used when for example you go to work. For example, in the morning you browse without NSFW on, then you go to work, then you'd have to go to settings, turn it on, then finish work, come back home, go back to settings, turn it off again. It's fine on index, it's supposed to be accessible and it's not bothering anyone.
5. I'm pretty sure our search engine is the default MyBB search engine, which obviously isn't the best. I don't think we'll be making major changes to it soon and in my experience I've usually gotten the answers I seek.

Thanks for the feedback!
[Image: InZ3hGx.png]

RE: Personal Feedback

Take your heart
24-04-2020, 06:45 PM
1.I thought as much.You intentionally insisted.I understand.Well,it works but i thought i should share it.

2.It doesn't necessarily have to be a notification,more like a "tutorial" lets say when you first make the account,to give a feeling of what the users can do.I mean,Cuddles,your welcome bot could do it in the greetings message.

3.I linked the screen below.The gist of what i am trying to say is that the message is misleading a bit.As a tittle of the message should be something clear.And in the confusion of something going wrong,i believe the user should get easy to understand,short responses.For example, option 2 could be more condensed in text.If you agree and feel like something should be done,i have some recommendations that I am more than happy to share.

4.If the abundance of fresh content is the reason,why not combine the two options?I think making the title of "latest posts" clickable and redirecting exactly to where the new content did.At the moment,both show the threads with the most recent comment,correct?
[Image: 02dc2ff30a91cfba8379da958848db64.gif?fbc...lL9N_QZTaI]
My grand upgrader (thrice): Ninja

RE: Personal Feedback

Forum Janitor
27-04-2020, 02:33 AM
When a number registers and begins to establish themselves in the community the warning goes away. It is there as a reminder that they aren't in safe water if they think about breaking the rules. It has a benefit for the team but also allowing a new member to see how they're doing.

Cuddles will usually only inform the user about important information, the thing with newly registered PM, if we added customization to it then we'd need to share all the perks within it. It would become a messy situation.

The screenshot you provided is the generic error message for no permission, the title generally shows as the title of the forum; Nulled. The message below tells the error and possible reasons for the error which is the important thing.

As Faded mentioned above we use the basic MyBB search engine which is not the best. We would potentially be looking to change this down the line if there was a high demand for it but at the moment it isn't at the top of the to-do list.
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