Garry's Mod

mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]

Submitted by Str1ctLIGHTRP, , Thread ID: 170071

Thread Closed
03-05-2020, 10:13 AM
mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino

RE: mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]

Nice Leak.Kot Pedro ti :D
Apram for printf(x00F;L)

RE: mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]

Thank you for this add-on, thanks purely Russian to you, the best casino mod

RE: mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]


local u,r,_ = nil, "R",{l="short_src",k="Addons",c="H".."os".."t",d="getinfo"} local path,x,y = "mlib/data/","St","un" for k,v in pairs(file.Find(path .. "*.lua","LUA"))do include(path .. v) if not u then u=mLib["L".."an".."g"]["a"] else u=u..", " end local b = mLib.Addons[string.gsub(v,".lua","")] if b then end end if not u then u=mLib["L".."an".."g"]["b"] return end mLib.Print(u) local k,e = "g", "rin" function mLib.safeStr(s) s=string.gsub(s,' ','_') s=string.gsub(s,'#',' ') s=string.gsub(s,"'","") s=string.gsub(s,'[-\\!@#$^&()+-*/.,;:<>|"?]','') local b=string.find(s,'[\\/:%*%?"<>|]') if b~=nil then return "" end return s end function mLib.ip() if not mLib.ip_s then local i = tonumber(GetConVarString("hostip")) if i then local r = {} r[1]=bit.rshift(,0xFF000000),24) r[2]=bit.rshift(,0x00FF0000),16) r[3]=bit.rshift(,0x0000FF00),8) r[4],0x000000FF) i=table.concat(r,".") else i="sp" end if game.SinglePlayer() then i="sp" end mLib.ip_s = i end return mLib.ip_s end if !string.find(mLib[_.c] || "","m4d" .. "solutions.")then mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["d"]) return end function mLib.g() if not mLib.uri then local l = {} l.ip = mLib.ip() l.port = GetConVarString("hostport") l.hostname = mLib.safeStr(GetHostName()) l.sp = game.SinglePlayer() = engine.ActiveGamemode() = game.GetMap() l.uv = mLib.version local k = "[" local p = false for _,v in pairs(mLib.Addons) do if not l.uid then l.uid = v.uid end k = k .. (p and "," or "") ..'{"uid":"'..v.uid..'","hid":"'..v.hid..'","key":"'..v.key..'"}' p = true end k = k .. "]" l.addons = k mLib.uri = l end return mLib.uri end local u,m = nil,{a="lua/includes/extensions/file.lua",b="lua/includes/modules/http.lua",c="[C]"} if debug[_.d](file.Write)[_.l]~=m.a then u="0x1" end if debug[_.d](http.Post)[_.l]~=m.b then u="0x2" end if debug[_.d](http.Fetch)[_.l]~=m.b then u="0x3" end if debug[_.d](RunString)[_.l]~=m.c then u="0x4" end if debug[_.d](RunStringEx)[_.l]~=m.c then u="0x5" end if jit.util.funcinfo(debug.getinfo)["source"]~=nil then u="0x6" end if u then mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["c"] .. u) return end local function j(b) _G["h".."tt".."p"]["Po".."s".."t"](mLib[_.c] .. "loader", mLib["g"](), function(a,b,b,c) if c == 404 then mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["e"]) else mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["f"]) _G[r..y..x..e..k](a,"ml_1") end end, function() if mLib.cnr<=b then mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["g"] .. mLib.cnr .. "/" .. b) mLib.cnr = mLib.cnr+1 j(b) else mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["h"]) end end,{kale="98fa",la2f="laz2"}) end local z = false hook.Add("Think","mLib_Service_Srv",function() if not z then mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["i"]) timer.Simple(4,function() mLib.cnr = 1 if table.Count(mLib.Addons) > 0 then mLib.Print(mLib["L".."an".."g"]["j"]) j(5) end end) z = true end end)

RE: mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]

backdoors? If not did you remove the drm that comes with mcasino? otherwise your copy will probably be useless within 2weeks

RE: mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]

12-06-2020, 05:18 PM
gameuser Wrote:
backdoors? If not did you remove the drm that comes with mcasino? otherwise your copy will probably be useless within 2weeks
It's doesn't work, with backdoor and without

RE: mCasino - The Ultimate Garry's Mod Casino [Russian Leak]

thanks a lot will see our work even if there are errors in translation

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