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Do you believe in manifesting?

Submitted by karlizinn, , Thread ID: 181331

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20-09-2020, 02:11 AM
The other day, I was chatting with a friend and he had asked me if I believed in "the secret." He said "the secret" is the key to making the universegive you what you want by convincing yourself that you will eventually get what you wish for. For example, this friend really needed a new graphics card for his pc, so he kept telling himself he'd somehow get one before the end of the week. A few days later, his friend offered himhis old graphics card for free as he had just made an upgrade of his own. Not quite the graphics card he wanted, but it was still onestep up from the one he had wanted to replace. Do you think this is purely a coincidence or is manifestation a real tool we have as humans?

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

Yes I do. If you're curious about it I would highly suggest seeking out anything by Neville Goddard. Most of the other law of attraction teachers speak vaguely or try to string you along to buy products and never really get to any answers or practical instructions. Neville cuts through the bull and has some of the best insights on the subject.

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

Its all bull in my opinion but hey each to their own?

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

I think that "think it hard and it will come" is nonsense, but I do think that by focusing our mind and energies on something we can see new opportunities and connections we would have missed without doing so, and therefore be closer to getting/achieving the thing. So sort of? I just don't think it's magic mumbo jumbo, but more a matter of being on the lookout for opportunities and such.

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

Of course , manifesting has changed a lot of rights in our history

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

Id like to. It sounds cool and romantic. Just not realistic though

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

Personally, I think it's real. If you really want something you will find a way. Happened to me couple times believe it or not.

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

I don't believe in that. although I've noticed some people getting more consistently lucky with these coincidences than others. My mom, for instance. Whenever she needs something, she finds it. Be that a new washing machine or what have you.

I pretty much agree with qq123g. When you spend more time thinking about something, you're more likely to get it simply because you train your mind to work on that thing overtime. You end up more aware of opportunities etc. Or you're more likely to talk about it with friends, who then think about you if they happen to come across such a thing (like the graphics card, wouldn't be surprised if your friend told his friend about trying to "manifest", or otherwise obtain, a GPU.

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

ve noticed some people getting more consistently lucky with these coincidences than others. My mom, for instance. Whenever she needs something, she finds it. Be that a new washing machine or what have you.

I pretty much agree with qq123g. When you spend more time thinking about something, you're more likely to get it simply because you train your mind to work on that thing overtime. You end up more aware of opp

RE: Do you believe in manifesting?

Unfortunately, I feel like these are coincidences that we give superficial importance to like a placebo effect... I dearly wish for stuff that would make my life easier, but for my life it's more likely to happen if you actively work for it instead of solely wishing for it to come to you.

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