Awesome Lists Original: AwesomePiracy by IgglyBuff on Github It's the original piracy list. Contains A to Z resources, how to, guides and everything else. Right now it's a bit out of date and facing DMCA take downs because GitHub is owned by Microsoft and they would take down piracy related things. Many dead links Updated: It's a fork from IgglyBuff, updated and has more things on it. Beautiful site with algolia search support.
Startpage WebOasis It contains anything and everything. With convenient tools and search in easy access. Don't forget to check the FAQ
Those 3 links contains every piracy thing you'll ever need and beyond. Even the things you don't know you wanted
ParticularItch Wrote: Awesome Lists Original: AwesomePiracy by IgglyBuff on Github It's the original piracy list. Contains A to Z resources, how to, guides and everything else. Right now it's a bit out of date and facing DMCA take downs because GitHub is owned by Microsoft and they would take down piracy related things. Many dead links Updated: It's a fork from IgglyBuff, updated and has more things on it. Beautiful site with algolia search support.
Startpage WebOasis It contains anything and everything. With convenient tools and search in easy access. Don't forget to check the FAQ
Those 3 links contains every piracy thing you'll ever need and beyond. Even the things you don't know you wanted