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Cartographer[1.8.x-1.12.x]|Minimap|Locale|Kingdoms+|Citizens 12.7

Submitted by FroxiakPL, , Thread ID: 94033

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30-06-2018, 11:50 PM
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[Image: 2017_09_21_18_00_41.png]
Cartographer is the best minimap plugin that has fast and flawless performance.
Join the official test server(1.11+) at

Join the support discord at [[disallowed website]]

Since a picture is worth 999 words, a video with 60 FPS must be worth even more words! Here's a quick demo to show exactly how awesome this plugin is. The price of Cartographer will be going up in the future as its features get better!

A quick demo about overlays:

Another demo about the text displays!
  • Supports 1.8-1.12
  • Supports Kingdoms+
  • Supports Factions
  • Supports Citizens
  • Supports Quests
  • Supports WorldBorderAPI
  • Supports the vanilla worldborder
  • Partial WG and Towny support
  • Placeholders
  • Individualized text on the map
  • Custom waypoints with public, private, shared, and staff waypoints!
  • Discoverable waypoints
  • Completely customizable locale!
  • Fast and efficient
  • Quick loading
  • Custom image support
  • Custom overlay support
  • Excellent GUIs
  • Dynamic minimaps
  • Radar
  • Dithering
  • Map presets
  • Custom coloring - completely customizable!
  • Y-level mapping
Note that Cartographer does NOT provide infinite terrain mapping! To do so would require enormous ram usage currently! It is planned for the future, however, so stay tuned!
Version 7.5 has localization, so you can make custom language files. Here's the default_lang file so you can see what's customizeable(just about everything!)

# This is the default language file for Cartographer! If you mess up with this one,
# delete it and it will regenerate.
version: "2.0"

# If you want to make your own language file, you must include the three lines below.
# Your id is the internal name
# name is the one that gets displayed to players
# translate-color is whether or not to convert all '&' to the color symbol.
# Note that Clip's PlaceholderAPI already does this, so
# if the placeholderAPI is enabled, setting this to false doesn't do anything.
id: "default"
name: "&fDefault Locale"
translate-color: true

# And now here are the messages!
# You may notice that some of them have %s
# That means that it is going to be replace by something else.
# These messages also include the name of the inventories and items in the inventories.
# When creating your own locale file, you do not have to include all the messages, as
# Cartographer will use the default locale's messages that yours does not contain.
header: "&9%s> &7%s"
name: "Cartographer"
usage: "&cUsage: /cartographer <addimage|addoverlay|locale|open|npc>"
no-permission: "You do not have permission to run this command!"
addimage-usage: "&cUsage: /cartographer addimage <name> <url> [dither] [height] [width]"
addoverlay-usage: "&cUsage: /cartographer addoverlay <name> <url>"
must-be-player: "&cYou must be a player to run this command!"
disabled-module: "&This module is not enabled!"
saving-image: "Saving image to disk..."
saved-image: "Image was saved successfully to disk!"
save-error: "&cThere was an error saving the image to disk!"
invalid-url: "Invalid URL!"
download-error: "There was an error while downloading an image!"

reloading-map: "Reloading map..."
updates-disabled: "Updating the map has been disabled!"
map-centered: "The map has been centered around &e%s&7, &e%s&7."
done-rendering: "Map rendering finished!"

map-set: "Map set!"
overlay-set: "Overlay set!"
overlay-removed: "Overlay removed!"
title: "&2&lMap Selector"
map: "&b&lMap Selection"
overlay: "&a&lOverlay Selection"
next-page: "&f&lNext Page"
previous-page: "&f&lPrevious Page"
overlay-name: "&f&l%s"
map-name: "&f&l%s"
none: "&f&lNone"
name: "Locale"
changed-locale: "You have changed your locale to &e%s&7!"
title: "&1&lSelect Your Locale"
next-page: "&f&lNext Page"
previous-page: "&f&lPrevious Page"
name: "&f%s"
name: "Waypoints"
no-permission: "You do not have permission to run this command!"
usage: "&cUsage: /waypoints [create|open]"
create-usage: "&cUsage: /waypoints create <name> [x] [z]"
must-be-player: "&cYou must be a player to run this command!"
too-many-waypoints: "You cannot have more than &e%s&7 waypoints!"
created-waypoint: "You have created waypoint '&e%s&7' successfully!"
deleted-waypoint: "You have removed '&e%s&7'"
title: "&1&lWaypoints"
your-waypoints: "&e&lYour Waypoints"
shared-waypoints: "&a&lShared Waypoints"
public-waypoints: "&b&lPublic Waypoints"
staff-waypoints: "&c&lStaff Waypoints"
next-page: "&f&lNext Page"
previous-page: "&f&lPrevious Page"
unhide-all: "&a&lUnhide All"
# Yes, this 'line' business may seem suspicious, but
# unfortunately not, it does not mean you can add/remove lines
name: "&a%s"
line-1: "&fVisibility: &e%s"
line-2: "&fType: &e%s"
line-3: "&fPublic: &e%s"
line-4: "&fStaff: &e%s"
line-5: "&7&lLeft-click &7to change cursor type"
line-6: "&7&lRight-click &7to change visibility"
line-7: "&7&lMiddle-click &7to teleport"
line-8: "&7&lShift left-click &7to edit waypoint"
name: "&a%s"
line-1: "&fSet by &e%s"
line-2: "&fType: &e%s"
line-3: "&fX: &e%s"
line-4: "&fZ: &e%s"
line-5: "&fVisibility: &e%s"
line-6: "&7&lLeft-click &7to change visibility"
line-7: "&7&lRight-click &7to teleport"
line-8: "&7&lShift left-click &7to edit waypoint"
name: "7a%s"
line-1: "&fSet by &e%s"
line-2: "&fType: &e%s"
line-3: "&fX: &e%s"
line-4: "&fZ: &e%s"
line-5: "&fVisibility: &e%s"
line-6: "&7&lLeft-click &7to change visibility"
line-7: "&7&lRight-click &7to teleport"
line-8: "&7&lShift left-click &7to edit waypoint"
title: "&2&lEdit Waypoint"
name: "&a%s"
line-1: "&fCreated by &e%s"
name: "&b&lChange icon type"
line-1: "&fCurrent Type: &e%s"
name: "&b&lChange Visibility"
line-1: "&fVisibility: &e%s"
name: "&b&lShare"
line-1: "&fShared with &e%s&f player(s)"
name: "&c&lDelete"
name: "&a&lTeleport"
line-1: "&fX: &e%s"
line-2: "&fY: &e%s"
line-3: "&fZ: &e%s"
name: "&9&lToggle Public"
line-1: "&fCurrent status: &e%s"
name: "&9&lToggle Staff"
line-1: "&fCurrent status: &e%s"
title: "&2Select players to share with"
next-page: "&f&lNext Page"
previous-page: "&f&lPrevious Page"
name: "&a%s"
add: "&7Click to add"
remove: "&7Click to remove"
name: "Citizens"
title: "&2&lEdit NPC Cursors"
next-page: "&f&lNext Page"
previous-page: "&f&lPrevious Page"
name: "&b%s"
line-1: "&fCurrent icon: &e%s"
line-2: "&fRange: &e%s"
line-3: "&fHighlighted: &e%s"
line-4: "&fVisible: &e%s"
line-5: "&7&lLeft click &7to change the icon"
line-6: "&7&lRight click &7to highlight/unhighlight"
line-7: "&7&lPress Q &7to change visibility"
line-8: "&7&lShift-left click &7to lower the range"
line-9: "&7&lShift-right click &7to raise the range"
Version 7.3 brings in WorldGuard support! For WorldGuard regions to be highlighted, they must extend from 0 to the build height.

[Image: WJJDJYf.png]
Version 7.1 features Kingdoms+ and FactionsUUID support! The homes and members of each faction will show up on the minimap as cursors, and the land that is claimed will be shaded, dynmap color for Kingdoms+, and a random one for FactionsUUID. You can use placeholders, overlays, and more to make your server truly unique!
[Image: jknJmsm.png]
[Image: gb8j8zs.png]
  • /setmapcenter - sets the map center and refreshes the map. This should be run only once, when you want to set center of the map.
  • /mapreload - Refreshes the map thoroughly without setting the center. This is the command to use if there are large changes to the map that are not showing up.
  • /waypoints <open|create> [name] [x] [z] - Opens the waypoint GUI
  • /cartographer <open|addimage|addoverlay|locale|npc> [name] [dithering] [width] [height] - Manages maps with cartographer
Some uses of Cartographer:
  • RPG servers
  • CSGO and gungame servers
  • Minigame servers
  • Survival games
  • Factions and Kingdoms+ servers
  • Maze runner servers
  • Dungeons
  • Any server that might use dynmap
[Image: KZDGXNZ.png]

[Image: y8SbRmZ.png]
cartographer.admin - The admin command to everything apart from cursor and text selectors;
cartographer.main.inventory - Allows you to open the cartographer inventory;
cartographer.map.use - Allows you to use the map, true by default;

cartographer.waypoints.use - Allows you to use waypoints, true by default;
cartographer.waypoints.create - Allows you to create waypoints, true by default;
cartographer.waypoints.teleport - Lets you teleport to waypoints;
cartographer.waypoints.staff - Lets you toggle staff mode on waypoints;
cartographer.waypoints.public - Lets you toggle the public status on waypoints;
cartographer.waypoints.admin - Lets you do all waypoint stuff;
cartographer.waypoints.bypass.limit - Lets you bypass the maximum waypoint limit

cartographer.display.coordinates - Allows you to see the coordinates on the top left of the map;

cartographer.factionsuuid.cursors - Allows you to see other faction members as well as the faction home;

cartographer.kingdoms.cursors - Allows you to see other kingdom members as well as your kingdom home;

cartographer.radar.use - Lets you use the radar;

cartographer.towny.cursors - Lets you see town mates and the town home;

cartographer.locale.change - Lets you change your locale

cartographer.citizens.inventory - Lets you open the citizens inventory
cartographer.citizens.cursors - Lets you see the citizens on your map, true by default
cartographer.citizens.bypass.range - Lets you see all the citizens everywhere

[Image: kh9XDg2.png]
Version 4.0 Features Waypoints. Each user is able to create their own and share it with people. Comes with a user friendly GUI that makes managing waypoints extremely easy. Admins can assign "staff" waypoints that are only accessible by players with a certain permission. You can also grant players the ability to teleport to waypoints, allowing creation of warps very easily!
[Image: Xp1zPBP.png]
[Image: 8VtsHGz.png]
Version 5.0 introduces map templates, and the ability to use images as a minimap, so now you can have your CSGO dust 11 map as a minimap! First you have to use /cartographer addimage <name> <url> [x] [z] to add an image to the cartographer maps, then you can select it with /cartographer, which brings up an inventory to select a map. You can also disable map updating so your custom image doesn't look funny when placing/breaking blocks.

[Image: VLZc5Ha.png]
Version 5.9 brings in overlays! Overlays allow you to add a custom second layer to your minimap, whether it be a circle, or your server logo! Semi-transparent pixels can be used to create a more visually appealing overlay.
Find the three overlays above here: Version 6.0 brings text displays, a slight minor tweak but even more important! You can now display text on the minimap with custom colors! What's more... It even supports Clip's Placeholder API and MVdW's Placeholder API as well! Here is the text display config:

# This is the list of text you want to display
# as well as the permission attached to each one.
# You can have color with this sequence: "\u00a7<byte>;"
# The byte is represented by the color in the map-colors.yml file.

permission: "cartographer.display.coordinates"
message: "\u00a734;X: %player_x%\nY: %player_y%\nZ: %player_z%"
x: 1
y: 1

[Image: Bs1qdmV.png]
Version 5.9 also brought back the radar!

[Image: NZ9WKKV.png]
Version 5.0 also introduces dithering, which can make images look much better! You can apply dithering to an image with the cartographer command. You can find Mustarre here.

[Image: JkmQsuk.png]
[b]Version 3.4 allows you to set the height where it starts rendering. It allows you to create maps of caves, and indoor structures. Perfect for those minigames [Image: clear.png][/b]

[Image: 0YiRCwN.png]
You can also create super cool presets like x-ray! The blue is diamond ore and the yellow is gold ore. The grass, dirt, and stone are not rendered.

You can find the wiki here for more information on how to configure Cartographer and how to hook into it as well. This is much like Mineplex's Gem Hunter minimap but better[Image: clear.png]
[Image: 935F3gn.png]
# ,,
# .g8"""bgd mm `7MM
# .dP' `M MM MM
# dM' ` ,6"Yb. `7Mb,od8 mmMMmm ,pW"Wq. .P"Ybmmm `7Mb,od8 ,6"Yb. `7MMpdMAo. MMpMMMb. .gP"Ya `7Mb,od8
# MM 8) MM MM' "' MM 6W' `Wb :MI I8 MM' "'8) MM MM `Wb MM MM ,M' Yb MM' "'
# MM. ,pm9MM MM MM 8M M8 WmmmP" MM ,pm9MM MM M8 MM MM 8M"""""" MM
# `Mb. ,'8M MM MM MM YA. ,A9 8M MM 8M MM MM ,AP MM MM YM. , MM
# `"bmmmd' `Moo9^Yo..JMML. `Mbmo`Ybmd9' YMMMMMb .JMML. `Moo9^Yo. MMbmmd'.JMML JMML.`Mbmmd'.JMML.
# 6' dP MM
# Ybmmmd' .JMML.
# Cartographer config - Created by BananaPuncher714
# The map will automagically save and reload itself whenever the server restarts.
# It will also automagically adjust the zoom so you can't zoom too far out if the map itself is smaller.
# Do NOT make the height or width smaller than 128!!
# map:
# height: 512
# width: 512
# The load speed is in chunks per tick. Five is the generally recommended amount.
# load-speed: 5
# This is whether or not to allow updating of the map canvas. If false, placing and breaking blocks as well
# as reloading the map will have no effect on the map. Useful for custom images as a minimap
# updates: true
# This is whether or not to mix transparent pixels when displaying an overlay
# fancy: true
# This is whether the center of the map will be in the center of a chunk or your exact position
# center-chunk: true
# This is whether or not to re-render a chunk after it is loaded. Not advised unless your
# your server deals with lots of block updating and changing. It is better to write
# a custom block updater, but use this if you have no choice.
# render-on-chunk-load: false
# The DEFAULT color if there is no color for a material or if it's over the void
# shading:
# default-color: "255, 0, 255"
# This is how dark the water can get based on this formula: ( depth * shade ) / 100
# The result is a percent that is used to darken the color water.
# Of course, this also depends on the rgb value of the water color, but
# too small a value will not show up on the map, and too high will completely dark out deep areas.
# water-shading: 100
# This is the height at which the map will start shading.
# -1 means it does not change anything
# The default-renderer must be disabled for this to work!
# shade-height: -1
# This is whether to change the color to black if there is a non-transparent block above it
# Only applies if map-height is NOT -1
# hide-if-hidden: true
# This will show the highest block if the displayed block is NOT the highest.
# Only applies if map-height is NOT -1
# Overrides the hide-if-hidden option if true
# show-highest: true

# This is how fast custom renderers will reload the CursorSelectors as specified by other plugins.
# This is expressed in the amount of seconds before updating
# misc:
# selector-load-delay: 0
# This is whether the cursor will appear like a normal map
# show-player: true

# Here you can enable and disable what stuff you want
# module:
# waypoints: true
# radar: true
# display: true

# Here are extra presets that will get loaded in order after loading the default config colors.
# Place them inside the presets folder.
# If you do not want any presets then change the following lines to 'preset: []'
# presets: []

height: 512
width: 512
load-speed: 5
updates: true
fancy: true
center-chunk: true
render-on-chunk-load: false

default-color: "255, 0, 255"
water-shading: 100
shade-height: -1
hide-if-hidden: true
show-highest: true

show-player: true
selector-load-delay: 0

waypoints: true
radar: true
display: true
kingdoms: true
factionsuuid: true
towny: true
worldguard: true

- 1.11.2.yml

[Image: cimlwQw.png]
  • Does this support offhand maps? Yes, but you are not able to zoom in and out unless it is in your main hand
  • How much RAM does this use/how many players does it support? This is the good part about Cartographer. The RAM usage is NOT affected by how many players join. It is dependent upon how large the map is. 1 block = 1 byte, so a 10K by 10K map would use up around 100MB.
  • Why is my map not showing up? You must set the map center first. Find a good location and run '/setmapcenter' to start map rendering
  • Why is radar/waypoints not working? You have to enable it in the config.
  • Help! My server crashes while rendering the map! Your map-load-speed is probably too high. Change the map-load-speed in the config to a higher value.
  • Does this cause lag? The only time when you may experience lag is when you are rendering the map. Afterwards, it will run smoothly, perhaps better than the vanilla map.
  • Some icons aren't showing up(mansion, temple, red marker)! Unfortunately, this is an issue with the server jar itself. To get all the icons, I suggest 1.10.x spigot or higher.
  • This is too expensive! I'm sorry, but to put this at a lower price would be underselling the value of this plugin, and I put a lot of work into this. I believe 7.50 USD is quite reasonable for anyone who wants this resource.
[b][Image: gWAI0I1.png][/b]
  • Citizens Support
  • Infinite rendering
  • Multiworld maps
  • Better radar
[Image: zCVBZDZ.png]
  • You may not redistribute this resource.
  • You may not modify the jar in any way.
  • You may not charge back or ask for a refund after purchasing.
  • You may not claim any code in this plugin as your own.
  • You may not use any partial code in this plugin for your own projects unless it is specified otherwise by the author(BananaPuncher714) with his consent.
By buying this plugin you agree to the ToS.

[b][b]If you have any questions or suggestions I will always be happy to hear them. Bugs will get fixed ASAP as soon as they are detected. Please use the discussion page for any suggestions, questions, bugs or stuff you'd like to see added. [Image: clear.png][/b][/b]

If you really enjoyed this plugin consider leaving a review![Image: clear.png]
Download links do not work?Write to me at PV and I will try to fix it Smile

RE: Cartographer[1.8.x-1.12.x]|Minimap|Locale|Kingdoms+|Citizens 12.7

05-01-2021, 11:57 PM
thanks man! Smilei really nedeed this for my upcoming minecraft server

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