I have a lot of skillshare courses i'm willing to share with you all so I'm interested in what kind of courses would you want me to upload and also if you have a specific course/creator you want the courses from tell me!
Also thanks for your contribution which is greatly appreciated.
You're welcome, yes I have courses from Klarens Malluta, will be uploading some later today, if you have a specific one in mind tell me and I will do what I can
annnnnnndrea Wrote: You're welcome, yes I have courses from Klarens Malluta, will be uploading some later today, if you have a specific one in mind tell me and I will do what I can
Mimi Chao's intro to digital painting is really good for beginners, I took the course with my first skillshare free trial. Perhaps people on this forum would like it as it is easy to begin with if you want to illustrate with procreate?