Hello, I currently work with an old version of vBulletin (4.0.7) and any new version I use, please? how to update and retrieve my members and posts? Thank you for your answers, Warmest regards.
I didn't used vBulletin since a while, so can't realy help you on that point :( hope you will find anyway (yes, im here cause of you'r name sorry for disturbing :D)
Bonjour vous 2, Oui comme vous de France ! merci de vos avis concernant vbulletin (c'est un peu par habitude) et que pensez-vous de xenforo ? Pour MyBB je ne sais pas connait pas mais me semble que c'est un peu comme phpbb, non ? Pour IPS, l'admin est toujours pas en fr intgralement ? merci encore de vos rponses.
Hello you two, Yes like you to France! thank you for your opinion on vbulletin (per usual) and what do you think of XenForo? For MyBB I do not know not know but I think it's like phpbb, right? For IPS, the admin is still not fully fr? thank you again for your answers.