League Of Legends
favorite champ and lane
Submitted by tme2222, 16-05-2020, 06:30 PM, Thread ID: 172021
Thread Closed
RE: favorite champ and lane
14-11-2021, 12:45 PM
#51 i prefer playing top lane by Xayah
RE: favorite champ and lane
19-11-2021, 12:31 AM
#52 16-05-2020, 06:30 PMtme2222 Wrote: hi everyone new to the forum
wanted to know what is your favorite champ or lane and why?
I love Xayah adc because of the outplay potential!
RE: favorite champ and lane
20-11-2021, 04:22 PM
#53 Trynd top lane, if you know how to play him, he is a very good champ.
RE: favorite champ and lane
21-11-2021, 11:56 AM
#54 This post was last modified: 21-11-2021, 11:57 AM by Rodya27011
Zac simple but effective against many heroes
RE: favorite champ and lane
21-11-2021, 06:03 PM
#55 Playing fill always, my fav role would be jungler since its the role with more freedom to carry games by taking objectives and helping lanes.
For fav champions, it all depends on your team comps and your current elo. Always go for confort picks over counters, it will not end well for you if you pick a counter just because it counters your enemy, unless its ez champa like garen or teemo which doesn't take much skill to play.
With that being said, here is my list for champs by role:
- Rammus, simply 1 of the most complete junglers, full of cc and powerful ganks pre and post lvl6, you can't go wrong with it, besides, you can go full tank and easily outdamage your carries, make sure you build sunfire and thornmail as core items, and adapt the rest to the enemy team.
- Amumu, a little bit like rammus, amumu focus more in aoe cc and burst, its way better used as a tanky mage rather than a full tank, you will be surprised on his damage output.
- Kayn, 1 of the best assassins in the jungle, freedom to choose your path, depending on your early lead and noth allied and enemy comps, you can pick more sustain and cc or just go full deadly assassin who can 1shot basicly any carry if played properly.
- Kha'zix, 1 of the best dwellers, one who can jump straight into action, take risks, kill enemies and leave the battle before its to late, with his amazing kit, you weill be snowballing games and getting free LP at least in lower ranks.
- Master Yi, one of the beguinning champions and still one of the strongest, he's 1 of the best at waht he does which is kicking ass, he's also versatile and can be adapted to any teams if played properly, the champ is one of the easiest to learn buyt one of the hardest to master, you might think i'm wrong since yi is basicly point and click 1 man army, but if you check all the other picks i mentioned here, he will certainly lose to most of them, unless he plays it right. With that beiong said, he's a safe pick in lower ranks and it can go up to the higher ranks as long as you can master the WuJu style at its finest.
The list is huge since its the role i play the most so i will just mention a few more, there are plenty of useful champions for this role, it all depends of your mastery of the champion and the team comps, so here are a few other choices: Vi, Graves, Warick, Shaco, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Zac, Hecarim, Udyr, Kindred, Rengar, Evelynn, Sejuani, Diana, Viego
For other roles i will just give a few champions i usually play and am able to carry, the list is made by me considering my mastery of the champions i'm using and it doesn't in any way answer to the best or worst champions to rank to challenger so don't think you will be the best league player if you start following my picks, just pick 2 or 3 champions to master them as u progress through ranks and adapt to a few more once you get to top ranks. you will do this to prevent you from being useless if your 1trick champ gets banned.
1 thing you have to understand playing this role, you are not a carry, your job is to carry your carry, if you know what i mean, you need to do everything you can to make your Bot laner get ahead and carry the game. With that being said, sometimes its impossible, either the matchup is not favorable to you or your Bot is having a bad game, either way, at those occasions, you need to step up from your role as support and carry the game yourself, you decide which games to do each of them, just remember, weather you chose to carry your bot or carry the game, don't blame your bot laner if he falls to behind and becomes useless.
Supports to carry your bot laner: Nami, Soraka, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Leona, Thresh, Nautilus, Yuumi, taric, Alistar, Braum, Sona, these champions are one of the best to carry your bot laner, they either pack a good cc or good sustain, in some cases, both.
Supports who can carry the game: Lux, Xerath, Morgana, Brand, Zyra, Senna, Vel'Koz, Pyke, Pantheon, Veigar these are champions who pack a really awesome combination of cc and burst but they lack the sustain and can get easily countered, some of these can also be used to carry your bot laner but you need to be careful as a lot of the times you will be taking kills even if you don't mean to, these is how bursty and deadly they are.
Not much to say about this lane, you know what your job is if you play Bot role, kill everything in front of you and carry the game for your team, thats your job. Obviously you will need more than that to actually carry, buyt i'm pretty sure you already know that, positioning and peel is essential in this meta where bot laners can easily get shutted down before they can react. Here are a few strong picks who can carry you through ranks if played properlyy, like i said before, this all depends of your mastery of the champion, just because i do well with a champ, it doesn't make it a top tier pick for everyone.
Jhin, Vayne, Caitlyn, Jinx. Miss Fortune, Ashe, Lucin, Tristana, Ezreal, Draven, Sivir, Senna, Kai'Sa, Samira.
You probably noticed, i left a few strong picks aside, those picks are not real carries, they are just adaptations to certain role and can be strong at some points but usually fail, either because they are hard to master or because there are a few conditions to be met for c ertain champion to be useful in that role. champions like Yasuo, Aphelios, Kog'Maw, Swain, Xayah, Kalista, Ziggs, Twitch and others, can be game changing but not safe picks
This is your other carry lane, a little bit like Bot, your job is to melt and burst everyone before they can do anything to you, you will prefer a burst mage or assassin even though there are afew other picks that can be useful.
Viktor, Lux, Zed, yone, Yasuo, Vex, Anivia, katarina, Le Blanc, Kassadin, Xerath, Akali, Fizz, Malzahar, Annie, Anivia, Ahri, Talon.
I consider these to be picks who can carry even if you don't master them perfectly, they provide you with a kit that makes you a killer without having to be a mechanic god, obviously if you play against someone who has better mastery of the champion than you, you might get in trouble and even outplayed, that happens a lot in lower elo.
Examples of picks that can be useful under certain conditions can be Cho'Gath, Gangplank, Pyke, Malphite, Galio
This lane is usually one of the most important lanes in combination with Jungler, you will be making a huge difference in the mid/latee game depending on what you pick. You can either be a split pusher who forces enemy team to split up to defend against your unbreakable pushes or you can be a Front line for your team fights,m either way, you will be a key for play making and success of your team.
Champions that can be game changing in these kind of role include Camille, Teemo(yes, he's to strong to leave out form the list, specially at lower ranks), Darius, Irelia, Fiora, Jax, Garen, Tahm Kench, Urgot, Riven, Kayle, Sion, Tryndamere, Sett, Gangplank, Volibear, Illaoi, Yorick. There are a few other choices, working more towards your team like Shen, Malphite, Kled, Gnar, Cho'Gath, Ornn, Mundo, Singed, Nasus. these will be your front line and be resposible to keep the enemy carries away from your team while your team shred through them., some of them can either go tank or dps, but you know what i mean.
Have fun playing the game and good luck in your grind, i hope you can grind all the way to the top next season
For fav champions, it all depends on your team comps and your current elo. Always go for confort picks over counters, it will not end well for you if you pick a counter just because it counters your enemy, unless its ez champa like garen or teemo which doesn't take much skill to play.
With that being said, here is my list for champs by role:
- Rammus, simply 1 of the most complete junglers, full of cc and powerful ganks pre and post lvl6, you can't go wrong with it, besides, you can go full tank and easily outdamage your carries, make sure you build sunfire and thornmail as core items, and adapt the rest to the enemy team.
- Amumu, a little bit like rammus, amumu focus more in aoe cc and burst, its way better used as a tanky mage rather than a full tank, you will be surprised on his damage output.
- Kayn, 1 of the best assassins in the jungle, freedom to choose your path, depending on your early lead and noth allied and enemy comps, you can pick more sustain and cc or just go full deadly assassin who can 1shot basicly any carry if played properly.
- Kha'zix, 1 of the best dwellers, one who can jump straight into action, take risks, kill enemies and leave the battle before its to late, with his amazing kit, you weill be snowballing games and getting free LP at least in lower ranks.
- Master Yi, one of the beguinning champions and still one of the strongest, he's 1 of the best at waht he does which is kicking ass, he's also versatile and can be adapted to any teams if played properly, the champ is one of the easiest to learn buyt one of the hardest to master, you might think i'm wrong since yi is basicly point and click 1 man army, but if you check all the other picks i mentioned here, he will certainly lose to most of them, unless he plays it right. With that beiong said, he's a safe pick in lower ranks and it can go up to the higher ranks as long as you can master the WuJu style at its finest.
The list is huge since its the role i play the most so i will just mention a few more, there are plenty of useful champions for this role, it all depends of your mastery of the champion and the team comps, so here are a few other choices: Vi, Graves, Warick, Shaco, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Zac, Hecarim, Udyr, Kindred, Rengar, Evelynn, Sejuani, Diana, Viego
For other roles i will just give a few champions i usually play and am able to carry, the list is made by me considering my mastery of the champions i'm using and it doesn't in any way answer to the best or worst champions to rank to challenger so don't think you will be the best league player if you start following my picks, just pick 2 or 3 champions to master them as u progress through ranks and adapt to a few more once you get to top ranks. you will do this to prevent you from being useless if your 1trick champ gets banned.
1 thing you have to understand playing this role, you are not a carry, your job is to carry your carry, if you know what i mean, you need to do everything you can to make your Bot laner get ahead and carry the game. With that being said, sometimes its impossible, either the matchup is not favorable to you or your Bot is having a bad game, either way, at those occasions, you need to step up from your role as support and carry the game yourself, you decide which games to do each of them, just remember, weather you chose to carry your bot or carry the game, don't blame your bot laner if he falls to behind and becomes useless.
Supports to carry your bot laner: Nami, Soraka, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Leona, Thresh, Nautilus, Yuumi, taric, Alistar, Braum, Sona, these champions are one of the best to carry your bot laner, they either pack a good cc or good sustain, in some cases, both.
Supports who can carry the game: Lux, Xerath, Morgana, Brand, Zyra, Senna, Vel'Koz, Pyke, Pantheon, Veigar these are champions who pack a really awesome combination of cc and burst but they lack the sustain and can get easily countered, some of these can also be used to carry your bot laner but you need to be careful as a lot of the times you will be taking kills even if you don't mean to, these is how bursty and deadly they are.
Not much to say about this lane, you know what your job is if you play Bot role, kill everything in front of you and carry the game for your team, thats your job. Obviously you will need more than that to actually carry, buyt i'm pretty sure you already know that, positioning and peel is essential in this meta where bot laners can easily get shutted down before they can react. Here are a few strong picks who can carry you through ranks if played properlyy, like i said before, this all depends of your mastery of the champion, just because i do well with a champ, it doesn't make it a top tier pick for everyone.
Jhin, Vayne, Caitlyn, Jinx. Miss Fortune, Ashe, Lucin, Tristana, Ezreal, Draven, Sivir, Senna, Kai'Sa, Samira.
You probably noticed, i left a few strong picks aside, those picks are not real carries, they are just adaptations to certain role and can be strong at some points but usually fail, either because they are hard to master or because there are a few conditions to be met for c ertain champion to be useful in that role. champions like Yasuo, Aphelios, Kog'Maw, Swain, Xayah, Kalista, Ziggs, Twitch and others, can be game changing but not safe picks
This is your other carry lane, a little bit like Bot, your job is to melt and burst everyone before they can do anything to you, you will prefer a burst mage or assassin even though there are afew other picks that can be useful.
Viktor, Lux, Zed, yone, Yasuo, Vex, Anivia, katarina, Le Blanc, Kassadin, Xerath, Akali, Fizz, Malzahar, Annie, Anivia, Ahri, Talon.
I consider these to be picks who can carry even if you don't master them perfectly, they provide you with a kit that makes you a killer without having to be a mechanic god, obviously if you play against someone who has better mastery of the champion than you, you might get in trouble and even outplayed, that happens a lot in lower elo.
Examples of picks that can be useful under certain conditions can be Cho'Gath, Gangplank, Pyke, Malphite, Galio
This lane is usually one of the most important lanes in combination with Jungler, you will be making a huge difference in the mid/latee game depending on what you pick. You can either be a split pusher who forces enemy team to split up to defend against your unbreakable pushes or you can be a Front line for your team fights,m either way, you will be a key for play making and success of your team.
Champions that can be game changing in these kind of role include Camille, Teemo(yes, he's to strong to leave out form the list, specially at lower ranks), Darius, Irelia, Fiora, Jax, Garen, Tahm Kench, Urgot, Riven, Kayle, Sion, Tryndamere, Sett, Gangplank, Volibear, Illaoi, Yorick. There are a few other choices, working more towards your team like Shen, Malphite, Kled, Gnar, Cho'Gath, Ornn, Mundo, Singed, Nasus. these will be your front line and be resposible to keep the enemy carries away from your team while your team shred through them., some of them can either go tank or dps, but you know what i mean.
Have fun playing the game and good luck in your grind, i hope you can grind all the way to the top next season
RE: favorite champ and lane
03-12-2021, 02:54 AM
#56 I love playing with Lux, Yuumi and Mordekaiser, and i think the lanes would be Top, mid and Sup
RE: favorite champ and lane
07-12-2021, 09:59 AM
#57 where are u living i wanna meet u !! u are crazy btw!
RE: favorite champ and lane
Hi, I'm new to the forum too! The champion who plays the most is Lulu and in the Support route, I think Lulu has a combination with all ADC and with ult she has a much better chance of winning a battle.
RE: favorite champ and lane
18-12-2021, 07:30 PM
#59 Hi, my favorite champ is Leona and lane Mid and AP
RE: favorite champ and lane
10-01-2022, 03:02 PM
#60 caith with bottom line. I like playing adc.
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