Forum Games

Stay in the NFT gaming world using our Zed Run Clone Script.

Submitted by navishtim, , Thread ID: 250135

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25-08-2022, 02:28 PM
Zed Run Clone Script is a replica of the stunning blockchain-based Virtual Horse Racing Platform like ZED RUN. The Zed Run clone script has functionalities and features of the impeccable ZED RUN platform and uses NFTs to depict a racehorse. It can be seamlessly customized when required with additional features. Zed Run Clone allows users to own, breed, and race at a global scale, anytime, anywhere on an extraordinary NFT Horse Racing Platform.

We Gamesdapp, a leading NFT Game Development company offer readymade Zed run clone scripts with white label solutions where you can launch NFT gaming platform like Zed run.

Gamesdapp supports blockchain games, NFT games, crypto games, and metaverse games, web3 games also.

Our zed run clone development is a decentralized nft gaming marketplace where players can collect and view all of the items available within the platform. We only offer bug-free Zed run clone software that provides a profitable and secure platform like Axie Infinity over blockchain technology.

Features of our Zed Run Clone:

Minting a Horse
Pay for Mint
Racing Logic
Racing Slots
Performance of NFTs
Color variation of NFTs

Benefits of Our Zed Run Clone Script

It provides a bundle of rewards
Stored in-game elements
Smart Contract
Listing of 38,000 Genesis horses
Collection of Genesis horses into 4 categories
1000 stimulation available
Lucrative reward spot holders

For More Information: https://[disallowed url shortening site]/3RfS64r

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