websbk Wrote: This addon is also half non-working, the Pass XP value is not updated in the database to receive the next reward, I reviewed the entire php script there is not even close to the code to update this value
This may be incomplete but it would be a good starting point to build on
In order for the Pass XP to be credited to the database, you need to write your calculation method in bl_Game Finish.cs For example, it may look like this
#if BP public void Passxp(Action callBack = null) { int score = bl_PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.GetPlayerScore(); bool winner = bl_GameManager.Instance.isLocalPlayerWinner(); int winScore = (winner) ? bl_GameData.Instance.ScoreReward.ScoreForWinMatch : 0; int timePlayed = Mathf.RoundToInt(bl_GameManager.Instance.PlayedTime); int scorePerTime = timePlayed * bl_GameData.Instance.ScoreReward.ScorePerTimePlayed; int hsscore = bl_GameManager.Instance.Headshots * bl_GameData.Instance.ScoreReward.ScorePerHeadShot; int tscore = score + winScore + scorePerTime; if (bl_DataBase.Instance != null) { int newXPS = bl_DataBase.GetLocalUserMetaData().rawData.SeasonData.PassXP; Debug.Log("БЫЛО" + newXPS); int dbdata = tscore / 100; int tpx = newXPS + dbdata; int brs = bl_DataBase.Instance.LocalUser.metaData.rawData.SeasonData.PassXP = tpx; bl_DataBase.Instance.SaveUserMetaData(() => { callBack?.Invoke(); }); Debug.Log("СТАЛО" + brs); } else callBack?.Invoke(); } #endif
And in the right place to call the method Passxp();