You need 11 CS:GO accounts to add to the bot (11 reports are needed to send into OW) You also need aVPS Server with Node installed. Just install the normal Node Report Bot from askwrite and you should be fine.
1. Put the web path in your var/www folder. 2. Edit the config file. Fill out the Captcha Data (Google Captcha), MySQL, and Site Password. 3. Now you see 2 points which are called "script_path" and "script_log_path". 4. This is pretty easy. Just upload the server stuff to a folder of your choose. For example i upload it to /var/report-bot 5. So i link to "script_path" = /var/report-bot and "script_log_path" = /var/report-bot/log 6. Run in the Bot Folder npm install to Install the needed modules. 7. Import the MySQL Database which i passed to the folder web. 8. Add some accounts. It works like in askwrites Report Bot Script. But mine supports Steamguard! 9. To use SteamGuard you need to put in the main folder of the script the sentry file. Like AccountName.sentry 10. To get the OW/Vac-Check working you need to run a cronjob on ow-check.php 11. Have Fun with it. Modify it like you want, but don't remove the Credits please. Thanks!
If anyone actually uses this, let me know. I'll work on a much more cleaner interface, more features etc.