Currently happily (not so much, it's a job) employed as a Data Entry Clerk for a school board.
It's not a hard job, the task can be tedious. I work in the Transportation department (a fancy way of saying the Bus Barn.) and process the bus work orders into a database. Originally they had all the work orders all on paper, but it's my duty to transfer it from paper to computer. There is over 10,000+ work orders from July 2014 - Present Day I must enter in.
The job pays $15/h, but I am OPS (Other People Services, basically, I'd be working under the table if I didn't fill out the W-4 form.) which means I can be fired for no reason at any moment.
I work 40 hours a week, 10 hours a day, Monday - Thursday. I'm pretty happy with my hours.
I am currently looking to move in with my girlfriend to an apartment, we both are employed so we can easily afford to move out of our homes. She already pays rent at her parents, and she would only be paying $50 to $100 more a month to split a rent bill with me. Then we'll take turns paying certain utilities.
I graduated from High School a few weeks back, and I gotta say, it's not that exciting.
You'd think that it'd be the best thing to happen to you, but really it's just another day in life. Nothing really much to get hyped about. I'm glad I don't have to deal with the generation coming up anymore but that's about it. I plan on going to college in the fall so that'll be cool.
Hope everyone is doing good.
I'll be around, replying to threads, and leeching ofc.