I'm using the tcb premium scoreboard that has functionality with FAdmin when right clicking on a player's name. Although, I don't use FAdmin for DarkRP, I use ULX because it's something I've always stuck to. I know there's a way to do it but I can't figure it out.
local gag, gag_pnl = Option:AddSubMenu( "Gag" ) gag_pnl:SetIcon( "icon16/sound.png" )
This is an example for the current Gag feature when right clicking. I want to know what I would need to remove or add to make it compatible with ULX. NOTE: changing _FAdmin to ulx and Voicemute and UnVoicemute to gag and ungag don't work as they do not have a target to go to. I'm obviously doing something wrong because I don't have enough experience in LUA to make a change between two administration addons. What do I do my guys?
SuperSayin234 Wrote: I'm using the tcb premium scoreboard that has functionality with FAdmin when right clicking on a player's name. Although, I don't use FAdmin for DarkRP, I use ULX because it's something I've always stuck to. I know there's a way to do it but I can't figure it out.
local gag, gag_pnl = Option:AddSubMenu( "Gag" ) gag_pnl:SetIcon( "icon16/sound.png" )
This is an example for the current Gag feature when right clicking. I want to know what I would need to remove or add to make it compatible with ULX. NOTE: changing _FAdmin to ulx and Voicemute and UnVoicemute to gag and ungag don't work as they do not have a target to go to. I'm obviously doing something wrong because I don't have enough experience in LUA to make a change between two administration addons. What do I do my guys?
RE: FAdmin to ULX scoreboard help?
14-10-2017, 05:08 PM
This post was last modified: 14-10-2017, 09:18 PM by SuperSayin234
The scoreboard only supports FAdmin by default, and I'm trying to get it to ULX. The current code for each command was listed and I'm trying to figure out a way to make it into ULX. I finally fixed my lines of code. Previously it would look like:
gag:AddOption( "Gag", function() if not (IsValid(self.Player) or self.Player:IsValid()) then return end LocalPlayer():ConCommand("ulx gag \"".. self.Player:Nick() .. "\"" ) end ):SetIcon( "icon16/email_delete.png" )
It took a lot of time but the similar lines can be used on any of the functions. Just make sure to replace all the "gag"s with whatever function you want.