About the Service Welcome, in this service I will be extracting emails from specific niches (pharmacies, restaurants, etc), and if you would like, I can filter them from specific countries, and/or cities. I can do it under a day.This service is perfect for people that would like to do email advertising or simply in need to contact those companies from those specific niches. I'll be selling those emails in different packages, check the prices right below.
---I'm willing to give 2 Packages of 10 emails each to 2 different trusted users, for a review. ---
How It Works - You send me the payment for the desired amount of emails, and I will send you them. - If paying with PayPal, Bitcoin, Etherium, please message me. - If paying with Credits, click the link above (Payment Options)
T.o.S. - I have the right to deny any sale I wish. - All sales are final, once i deliver the emails, you can't ask for a refund. - Paypal chargebacks will result in CA / Deal Dispute. -Trade Offers:If you have something you're willing to trade, feel free to message me. (ex: such as accounts, games, ect.) - Payment must be made first before receiving the emails.