Codecanyon - BuildTool v.1.8 - The Powerful CrossPlatform App Builder
With BuildTool you can create your own cross-platform HTML / CSS apps within minutes, by choosing a custom or predefined template. Your app will support these platforms: Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry (in Phonegap 2.x), Web OS (in Phonegap 2.x), Symbian (in Phonegap 2.x). After creating your app, you will be able to download it using the PhoneGap Build API, and publish it to the app stores.
Hug Preview no view Wrote: Codecanyon - BuildTool v.1.8 - The Powerful CrossPlatform App Builder
With BuildTool you can create your own cross-platform HTML / CSS apps within minutes, by choosing a custom or predefined template. Your app will support these platforms: Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry (in Phonegap 2.x), Web OS (in Phonegap 2.x), Symbian (in Phonegap 2.x). After creating your app, you will be able to download it using the PhoneGap Build API, and publish it to the app stores.
[size=x-small][font='Trebuchet MS', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] DEMO AND MORE INFO Content has been stripped. Go to the quoted post to view the content.