This is a beautiful animated scoreboard designed for DarkRP styled after the PUBG inventory that works on all gamemodes. Along with a nice-looking player list, this also has a list of global server statistics including playtime, money, kills, deaths, and more. The player count is on the top right, and your system time is on the top left.
The scoreboard is designed to show information the player needs at a glance without the screen being cluttered up with useless data.
Clicking on a player's avatar takes you to their steam profile
Clicking on a player in general opens up a player card which shows more information about them, including ULX quick options for server administrators (kick, ban, spectate, teleport, jailtp, bring, etc.)
Can copy any data from player card by just clicking on said data
A list of fun server stats on the side, showing off the top players' money, kills, deaths, and playtime.
Icons for the server stats
You can create your own server stats with basic Lua knowledge with optional custom icons (if you know how to
them, etc.)
Scales to every screen resolution (I wouldn't recommend viewing this on a low resolution as text will likely be too small to read)
Nice custom fonts
Support for all gamemodes, running on DarkRP will add the most money statistic and money amount to staff trying to view player cards. If a gamemode does not work with this scoreboard, let me know immediately and I will patch in support.
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