As I make a post on threads I get the ideas and personalities of members based o the quality or subject. It's good to know more about each other as we share ideas and opinions. Thisthread is here for you all to ask me any questions that you can think of as long as they're answerable and on topic. Surprise me and can't wait to reply to your dying questions.
Horizon Wrote: What is your main goal of being a member of this community?
If I was, to be honest anytime I go on forums I try to meet new people. People that I could talk to even after I move on. It's not for the status growth or reputation, but the feeling that they'reother people that you could chill with and have fun talks. All the awards and competitions are something that adds some spice into the whole community. When I see someone that I can relate to its far more important than the ranks/donations given, but of course the donations that are given are very important not for the value, but the fact that someone will spend their own money or time to give that to you. Thanks for the question and hopefully I can find more people like you on Nulledbb.
Loczi Wrote: What kind of job / career do you want to have in the future?
I plan on becoming a software engineer or someone who deals with the technology department. As for how Im gonna do that Ill study hard to make it to a college like MIT of Georgia Tech, where Ill improve on my learning.
Ninjaibis Wrote: shh, just between you and me(its all with females)
Ohhhh "I mean awww must have been a sad moment :(" LMAO
I wish I could get bitches, but I always end up in stitches cause I tell them the wrong thing.
Like I told this one girl- I wish you where a book so I could read everything! I said the wrong thing she laughed and said F-- Off then left me feeling stupid :disgusting: