
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

Thread Closed

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

we will wait for this
13-02-2018, 03:33 AM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 04:07 PM by Zenith
My timezone:
North American Eastern Time (EST)

Time spent online a day:
Depending the day it could be four to six hours.

Section I would like to apply for:
Member Contest and Giveaways

Why me:
Being a user who has done / participated in the Member Contests and Giveaways sub-forum previous, I am aware that there are very unprofessional, vague giveaways that don't seem to meet any type of requirements. This could be because they don't know how to setup a formal thread, or sheer laziness. I believe that is an issue that can be fixed rather easily. And with me at the helm I can clean up the mean streets of Nulled, if you were to call it that. It's obvious that there are many high quality members who end up getting banned because they do not understand the rules that are set. I will be there to be a friendly reminder that, "hey! this exists!" Of course they will receive a warning of sorts. But it won't end up

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:
I want to make a set template that these giveaways must abide by. Allowing users to make the giveaways more streamline, while also showing the participants what they are going to get beforehand. If the giveaway is not written with this base template in mind, the user in question would be given 24 hours to change it. Having this rule set in place would make it so that users that aren't sure how to setup a giveaway thread are given a set path, instead of having to make it up as they go along. It will really help streamline the experience, and make it a lot easier for everyone on the site. It'll also take a load off the moderation team, since I'm online for what seems like an eternity.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

[Image: Yp8ZHSk.gif]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

The Professor
Closed Account
13-02-2018, 04:09 AM
My timezone: UTC -8 PST Pacific Standard Time
Time spent online a day: returning member every 2 hours for a good hour.
Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment (including sub-sections)
Why me: i would do my very best to keep entertainment section in check.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: by managing it every second of my life.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Hestia Familia
13-02-2018, 04:43 AM
My timezone: CST

Time spent online a day: I can spend 4-5 hours a day. 12 hours at least, I can spend my time during school & at home.

Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment if there is a position spot open I would love to be Moderator of Other Discussions.

Why me: Ive been part of this community for almost two years now. I am in the Cinema Usergroup and I would like to see an improvement of movies & media. Music is very my thing in taste and seeing people make unrelated topics or post things that are not related to the post can make me mad at some points and can get frustrating. I may have broken two rules but that was all a misunderstanding. One of my warnings were false but does not bother me. I feel like you guys can give me a shot at being Sectional Moderator of Entertainment because I have experience with MyBB tools in general and could be a simple task. Ive been looking for a place for anxiety and depressing for a while, (a place to manage) and I would like to contribute to the community a bit more by applying for a Section Moderator to keep the place more high quality and welcome new members who would like to contribute to the community share their media and have a great time. I would like to punish all the users who have been posting or replying things related to the sub forum or topic. Ive read the rules and understood them completely. Yes, Ive broken two rules but Ive learn from that mistake. This is an opportunity to make me stand out from the community and show my potential on what I can do to help change this community. I see that staff team have just suffered two great staff members and have replaced them with two great staff members as well. I would like to help them to have less stress as possible so they can focus on worrying about less threads. Honestly let's be serious at this point, who likes leechers?

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: Entertainment is a big part of life right? You always be happy some days and have a purpose of living. Well I am pretty active on the Entertainment section, even though I may not post or reply to topics I still check out songs that people post, movie trailers or television shows to watch to keep me busy and kill time. I was also in the Harmony group before it shut down, R.I.P Harmony it was a good groupo. Honestly adding a member to staff the Entertainment may seem little but in the future it but be a good source to spam music even music. Users can simply just post links and give a simple opinion about the music and just rack up their post like that. Which I think there should be guidelines on that. Music and TV related topics is a big play into technology that can bring a huge outcome to todays society. Me allowing to moderate Entertainment or any other discussion is golden to my life and always wanted to do. I like doing staff related work to keep me busy and I have nothing better to do in my spare time. In my personal fit opinion when it comes to a write or wrong situation I can tell the difference.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.: Understandable have a good day.
[Image: T9B2tgy.png]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

13-02-2018, 08:49 AM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 08:53 AM by Crackbox
My timezone:

Time spent online a day:
All together, approximately 12-16 hours, I work from home so am online all day, I am online on forums approximately 6-10 hours per day.

Section I would like to apply for:
Other Discussions

Why me:
I have been an active member within forum communities for over 10 years now, opening my first website nearly 8 years ago, within 18 months that website had 30,000 members and unfortunately being silly and young I sold that website the first offer that came my way, that was a gaming community so a bit disappointing the gaming section isnt up for moderation (although the one I am applying for is a strong favourite of mine, along with forum resources).Since then I have further moderated and helped develop plenty of forums, some successful, but mainly been focusing on my personal life and expanding my business. But I have found myself to have a lot of free time recently so hope that NulledBB could be the community to take up my time and a forum I could help expand and watch grow with my input of keeping the category I moderate (if chosen) clean and tidy.

Note: I do realise I am not the most well known member around here, but I have been on here enough, seen around, been on forums long enough to know exactly what this forum is about, were it wants to go, what it wants to achieve and I hope that if I was given the honour of an upgrade to sectional moderator then that could be a small stepping stone in watching myself grow and hopefully progress within the NulledBB community.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:
I am not going to feed you a pack of lies that I will do this, I will do that, I will have 5 million unicorns posting threads weekly in this section, but what I will do is moderate this section, and moderate it to the highest standard possible.I have previously experienced on forums in the past, the general discussion / off topic...etc type of categories can sometimes fall to spammers, and they feel the easiest category to boost there post count up is in the general / off topic categories because they can talk about basically what ever they feel like, although that is accepted here on NulledBB, people can talk in that section what ever they like, but I would make sure that no pointless threads were created, no spamming replies were made. A general maintenance of that category on my behalf would keep that forum constantly well looked after.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply, if successful I will be really pleased, if not then I will continue to be active within the community.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Lowkey but I'm quite high profile
13-02-2018, 02:28 PM
My timezone: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, for all you dumbasses)
Time spent online a day: Literally every single free second I have where I have nothing to do, which is basically 90% of the day.
Section I would like to apply for: I'd like to apply for Other Discussions (including sub-sections)
Why me: The main question you're wondering, Why me? Why would I add Murmur to sectional staff, you say. Well then, I'll tell you why. I joined a few days ago and have already built up a reputation here, though it's small. On the other forum I was on I only became an actual member maybe 4 months ago. Take a look at my profile and note that I was still semi-inactive when I transformed.
[Image: h3Ql.png]

Now take a look at the time I've spent on this site;
[Image: qgPd.png]

As you can see I've spent 417 Hours and 30 minutes on there altogether if you do the math. That's only two weeks and 3 days and I was inactive there. I'm going to be active here so you can see my gist. In that whole time, I've never had a single ban apart from self-bans. You can see how loyal I was there and how loyal I am to this forum, now.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: There isn't one specific thing I'd do. I can do so much. I'd be able to; remove spam, remove leechers and help make them into higher quality members and make the sector a place of "Other Discussion" as it was intended to be. As at the current time there is a whole influx of problems preventing the sector from being what it could and should be.
By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
~Murmur Out

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

13-02-2018, 09:41 PM
Thank you to everyone who applied, we really appreciate your effort and your engagement towards the site.
By reading your applications we looked at different aspects and picked the ones we think that fit the best in our team.

Everyone who made it into the team will be notified soon.
To everyone who didn't make it, don't be sad, we'll need more moderators in the future where all of you get another chance!

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