_ Zenith Wrote: I'm not doing anything until you put me in Aisaka squad bih Cus I'm god No. Sorry if it comes off like I do. I just mess with ya that's all. I treat everyone like that tbh. You can do it to me back too
If ya don't like it just tell me and I won't do it anymore. But I never intend to treat others like shit. Just trying to have fun :p
_Zenith Wrote: I'm not doing anything until you put me in Aisaka squad bih Cus I'm god No. Sorry if it comes off like I do. I just mess with ya that's all. I treat everyone like that tbh. You can do it to me back too
If ya don't like it just tell me and I won't do it anymore. But I never intend to treat others like shit. Just trying to have fun :p