League Of Legends

Share off-meta champions and builds you like play

Submitted by Aki, , Thread ID: 79201

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RE: Share off-meta champions and builds you like play

03-04-2018, 11:47 PM
Aki Wrote:
Haha yeah Yasuo ADC is really good, I've done this a couple times with a friend before we'd go Yas and Blitz bot and would demolish everyone.

That or like.. Nami. Someone with knockups always is great.

RE: Share off-meta champions and builds you like play

Well my main is an off-meta build so I should feel bad but here it is

Twisted Fate ADC

Twisted Fate has a lot of advantages as an ADC, coming from his E that gives him an empowered auto attack that deals bonus magic damage every 3rd hit and passive attack speed per level. TFs range is small, making him unreliable against picks such as Caitlyn and Tristana.
TF Scales to late game very well, as it is a self peeling AA ADC, but, due to his lack of AD scalings, early game TF is weak unless you are getting ganked or playing with a damage support. TFs Passive is also a very important factor, making me take Cull in a lot of games for the extra edge in gold of the cull + the passive gold. TF ADC is a great dueler thanks to his ult and yellow card, you can easily surprise the enemy ADC and blast him before he even has a chance to try and run, even when behind depending on how many items you already have, thanks to the E dealing Magic Damage instead of Physical Damage its a surprise if the enemy ADC is staking Armor.

As a build I usually change a lot of stuff depending on the games


Cull + 1 Potion - Extra gold if you are playing passive and just farming

Dagger + 4 Potions - TF Doesnt deal a lot of AD damage, so taking the Dorans Blade is useless as the lifesteal wont heal at all and no AD scalings. 4 Potions give good sustain aswell, as you will be yellow carding the enemy a lot you wont need the extra health


The order exactly doesnt matter since it highly depends on who you are against, I take guinsoo's first nearly 100% of the times

There really arent a lot of core items for this champion, mostly depends on what you are trying to do

Guinsoo's Blade - Obvious, Attack speed for amount of attacks, AD and AP
Runaan's Huricane - Also pretty obvious, good wave clear since TF ADC has no wave clear abilities
Infinity Edge - For the extra crit damage from a lot of autos, usually only 50%-80% crit since no need for the extra crit when u attack a ton of times per second
Rapidfire Canon - Also extremely obvious why, you get the extra range for you yellow card so they wont run / you wont die


Blade of the Ruined King - Synergizes really well with TF ADC, amazing nearly every game no matter what but probably not worth it unless against tanks and mobile champions
Statik Shiv - Good for wave clear and usable on teamfights for extra crit damage, not exactly necessary and theres usually better things to spend ur money on
Trinity Force - Synergizes well with TF, helps you take turrets and deal more damage with the Sheen proc, very expensive though and a lot of the times not worth building
The Bloodthirster - Can be bought if you are dying a lot and dont want to build a GA for whatever reason, TF attacks a lot so you lifesteal, but not a lot of AD
Guardian Angel - obvious incase ur shit and dying
Mercurial Scimitar - Unless you know you can use items, dont take this, its good for removing CC and has life steal and AD and MR


I usually take always the same kind of boots, but here is a list of the top ones that I take most games

1 - Swiftness Boots - Good for a champion like TF that isnt mobile and doesnt have a lot of range
2 - Armor Boots - Good against most ADCs and AD champions overall
3 - Attack Speed Boots - Good if you cant get 2.5 AS yet
4 - Magic Resist Boots - Good if you get CCd a lot and dont like QSS


Changeble - 2nd tree can change for Manaflow Band or Ultimate hat or Celerity

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[Image: Megumin-3.png]

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