cracked this for my own needs and decided I might as well share \_()_/[img=15x15][/img]
Quote:The best Tribal Wars Bot on the market!
Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot can work all the time - 24/7 thanks to CAPTCHA recognition system. Bot has also features like farming villages, construct buildings, recruit army, minting a gold coins, balancing resources between villages, detection of incoming attacks, interactive map and much more. UTWB is still under development and will do whatever you want it to do - make an proposal and see it done. Features are being added all the time so you can check home page for the latest release informations.
hi bro ultimate tribal wars bot new crack a have.................................................
22-04-2018, 09:56 PM
drjihad Wrote: cracked this for my own needs and decided I might as well share \_()_/[img=15x15][/img]