Let me get this off my chest. I'm just gonna say it now. This movie is horrible. It's horrific. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. This is the first movie that I saw in a theater that I felt the need to walk out of due to how uncomfortable, and terrible the movie is.
I am honestly at a loss for words right now. Just... Wow.
Melissa McCarthy is back at it again making some boring tripe "comedy" movie that will make just enough money to be considered a success so she can just keep shilling these terrible...terrible movies out. With an all-star cast of Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, and even a cameo from once popular Christina Aguilera, you would expect something that appeals to lowest common denominator, 40 year old single women, and not an edgy anime girl forum user. Yet here I was, watching the movie.
The plot is Melissa McCarthy gets a divorce and goes to college. That's it. There's literally nothing else. Nothing builds, no characters develop, there isn't even really a conflict. The divorce scene was literally her sending her child to college then the husband randomly says "I want a divorce." Not even an ounce of subtlety, just saying it within the first five minutes. True artistry.
Most of the movie is Melissa McCarthy is in college and even though she's fat and ugly and is as witty as an 80 hear old woman and "totally not your average college student broo" she still ends up being the "popular" girl. This movie is literally about Melissa McCarthy going to frat parties, hooking up with a good looking dude, and fucking about for an hour and a half. That's it.
This is the first movie that had me believe it was never going to end. Honestly you could rearrange the scenes in a random order (except the first and the last ones of course) and nobody would have any idea that something was wrong. The end was abrupt at most.
The only thing that seemed like a conflict that was addressed within the last 20 minutes of the movie was that she wasn't getting financial aid for college so they had to raise money. Then all of a sudden they bring up Christina Aguilera and, would you look at that, she's magically there. It's like someone in the studio said "I mean we have her on contract we might as well put her in." As she was in the movie for a good two minutes. Maybe she was too busy doing something else.
Okay, it's considered a comedy movie, so I feel morally obligated to bring up the "humor".
Even me, with my four year old sense of humor, found none of these jokes funny.
Literally three quarters of the jokes made in this movie are people saying "vagina" and dragging jokes out way too long. Maya Rudolph has another stunning performance where she yells about having sex, screaming from the top of her lungs. Because I guess she doesn't realize that people's speakers have a limit.
My mother really liked a joke that was Melissa McCarthy calling her vagina a "vagoogle" because "you can ask it anything". And Jesus Christ through the entire drive home my entire family had to endure her saying "vagoogle" every five minutes.
The only thing that made me smile was the abrupt scene in the beginning when the man asks for a divorce. Not because I found it funny, but it had me think that this was gonna be a long movie, and it sure was.
This movie was terrible. Horrible. I have so much I want to say but I am not sure how to say it it is that bad. It's a pointless, humorless piece of shit that just gets thrown together in what seems like a month.
When my family arrived to the theater around 5 minutes early the theater was completely empty. And I am so glad that it was, because the only other people who showed up was a man who showed up alone, and three 50 something year old women who, whenever Melissa McCarthy opened her mouth, would laugh hysterically. What a fucking nightmare.
"Life of the Party" is a disgrace to filmmaking. And Melissa McCarthy is a disgrace to media. If you want to see a good party movie, watch 21 and over.
_Zenith Wrote: It's dreadful that some of the biggest comedians of this day are Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, and Amy Schumer. It's one of those movies where you know it's gonna be bad, but it was way too bad, and long for it's own good.
You just named 3 very unfunny comedians. Have you not seen her netflix specialhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt6616074/
_Zenith Wrote: It's dreadful that some of the biggest comedians of this day are Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, and Amy Schumer. It's one of those movies where you know it's gonna be bad, but it was way too bad, and long for it's own good.
You just named 3 very unfunny comedians. Have you not seen her netflix specialhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt6616074/
_Zenith Wrote: It's dreadful that some of the biggest comedians of this day are Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, and Amy Schumer. It's one of those movies where you know it's gonna be bad, but it was way too bad, and long for it's own good.
You just named 3 very unfunny comedians. Have you not seen her netflix specialhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt6616074/