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The Chrome Essentials | By Prince
Submitted by Prince, 28-05-2018, 12:53 PM, Thread ID: 89953
Thread Closed
Welcome to my first guide, this guide is about useful extensions for Google Chrome. I personally use this web browser, and it has been my favorite for years. The ability to tweak it is so amazing, and the extension store is just like being a kid in a toy store, for the first time. I hope to introduce some new extension to you that might be useful for you and your Chrome experience. I currently use Five extensions, but I have used many more in the past. Most of the Chrome extensions are multi-platform, thus available for Opera and Firefox as well. You can simply check this by going to the desired store, and even better; most of these are absolutely free!
Description:Enhance your written communication everywhere you type!
Alright, for everyone who does not know what Grammarly is, it's basically a word checker and type-enhancer. It automatically checks your spelling and vocabulary. Very handy for me, as I'm a non-English speaker, and I generally type in Dutch, not in English. It has a webbasedchecker, as well as an in-built checker as extension for Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, and Brave. They even released the new updated checker for Microsoft Word as well. It is pretty accurate and it looks super clean, some words will turn red, others will turn yellow depending on the severity and major cause. There is also a plagiarismchecker to check if sentences and articles are copied from the internet. Most of the features are free, but there is an advanced plan as well, which I currently hold. It's a lot more useful and relatively affordable for what you get. It's $11 a Month for students, which is simply amazing.
Check the plans and more information here:
Description: Save passwords and sensitive information using LastPass!
With LastPass you only have to remember one masterpassword and LastPass takes care of the rest. It automatically fills in your login details and immediately synchronizes between your computer and your laptop, your computer and your smartphone, your tablet and the Internet, so that you never have to remember a password. It's free, and it's so easy to use. You can store literally anything, from files, to bank accounts, to porn. Literally everything is possible. It's security system makes it impossible to get breached. It compares with Dashlane currently. The best option is that it auto-fills forms, whether you're making a purchase or you're logging into Nulled, it's all possible using LastPass and I have used LastPass for years now.
You can check for more information on
Description:Clean browser history, cache, cookies, downloads and more with Ccleaner for Chrome
Ccleaner is a simple utility to clean browser data, cache, cookies, downloads and increase an overall browser speed. It's never been easier to erase Chrome data. Clear cache, cookies, download and browsing history effectively just with one click. Protect your privacy and delete all activity from your browser with Cleaner for Chrome. Some features are:button for quick access to memory and DNS info in extension menu,open extensions folder and incognito tab with a button from menu, and a one click simple clean button. Trust me, this will make your Google Chrome 10x faster than it currently already is!
This cleaner is available on the Google Chrome extensions store.
Description: Ublock origin blocks ads and annoying traffic.
An efficient adblocker: uses little processing power and memory. Yet it can load and apply thousands of filters more than other popular adblockers.
Use: with the large on / off button in the pop-up you can permanently switch Block on or off for the current website. It is only applied to the current website; this is not a general on-off button
By default, the following filter lists are loaded and applied:
- EasyList
- Peter Lowe's Ad server list
- EasyPrivacy
- Malware domains
There are more lists available that you can enable:
- Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List
- Dan Pollock's hosts file
- hpHosts's Ad and tracking servers
- Spam404
- and many other ...
Of course, the memory usage increases as more filters are turned on. But even after switching on Fanboy's two additional lists, hpHosts's Ad and tracking servers, you have lower memory usage than other popular blockers.
(Found on official page)
For more information, or to install this go to:
Description: Clean 'new-tab' opener for Google Chrome.
Currently is a simple to use new tab opener on Google Chrome displaying the current time, exact to the second. It also displays the current weather and forecast of the specific week. You can choose all kinds of colors, which are specifically materialistic and flat, such as purple or flat red. It is completely free, and so calm to the eyes. I have been using this for very long and I don't regret it for a single second. You can choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit, and between Digital and Analog time displays.
For installment please go to
Description: Disables silent miners and auto-mining when browsing websites.
No coin is a tiny browser extension aiming to block coin miners such as Coinhive. Trusted by thousands of users, No Coin provides you a safe and reliable way to block miners from using your CPU and power without your consent. It features an easy way to allow miners for a limited time in case you need to pass a captcha or shortlink requiring mining. I've tested this myself and it works flawless, it blocks 99% of the miners, if not 100%, (web-based, it will not block miners stored on your computer). Remember, this is not compatible witht he NulledBB mining feature, which is currently disabled. It will not mine, if you're using any adblocker or anti-miner. The extension is completely free and as stated by the Developers; it will stay free, forever.
You can install No-Coin here
This thread will be updated: next week!
RE: The Chrome Essentials | By Prince
28-05-2018, 01:02 PM
#2 I also recommend Privacy Badger, No Coin, Session Buddy, Stylish, Tampermonkey, and Image Search Options.
RE: The Chrome Essentials | By Prince
28-05-2018, 01:02 PMfdigl Wrote: I also recommend Privacy Badger, No Coin, Session Buddy, Stylish, Tampermonkey, and Image Search Options.
Let me take a look at those, I'll see if I add them.
RE: The Chrome Essentials | By Prince
02-06-2018, 10:32 PM
#4 I am in seartch of this aswell i will follow you, Can u send me a link if u find the right one
RE: The Chrome Essentials | By Prince
23-07-2018, 10:12 PM
#5 I am in seartch of this aswell i will follow you, Can u send me a link if u find the right one
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