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Why cats?

Submitted by Necra90, , Thread ID: 65771

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RE: Why cats?

Because they are cats and no one likes dogs! Thats why they all get eaten in china,

RE: Why cats?

They are little sweeties haha, but really I think it is because cats are so playful and act wild all the time. They aren't loud like dogs are.

RE: Why cats?

Because cats are less likely to do the stuff we see unlike dogs who you can train to do tricks cats do what they want and thats mostly sleep so when we see yhem do somthing other then that we eat it up

RE: Why cats?





RE: Why cats?

It should be dog videos not cat videos. I don't like cats because the ones i had either died or ran away.....

RE: Why cats?

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RE: Why cats?

I can't understand this thing. I prefer owls, lol. I think people like cats because of their "cute" or something like that.

RE: Why cats?

Cute animals. Good partners. Maybe a bit dumb sometime but definitly worth it! And you don't have to raisen them like dogs. I mean give'em love and they'll give it back.

?? ?

RE: Why cats?

Because kittens are always cute and fluffy. Cats in general are self sustaining predators, they do not have accidents on the carpet usually as they typically have a litter box.

RE: Why cats?

they are cool and awesome af .

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