This game is everything except new player friendly. Reasons for this: There are over 130 champs, everyone with unique abilities. To master ANYTHING in this game you have to understand every single champ and its mechanics --> You will need months for this. There are several unique items, movements and tactics to master to get any success in the game ---> Needs even more than months The community is the worst cancer shit you have ever seen. Flaming, afking, blaming, trolling, feeding... If you are really new to Leauge, think twice if you want to get flamed and trolled each second game approximalty.
tingler Wrote: Is this game new player friendly? If not how much effort would I have to put in to really understand the game?
There's a perk tree which gives "experienced" players an upper hand, match-making is trash for new players, everyone is toxic, especially toward new players. too many champions and items to learn about in order for a player to get comfortable with any match up.
nexus blitz made league of legends a lot more friendly. i highly recommend it for new players to test their mechanics in a low stress environment. its the true casual mode now.