
Denied Be able to trade credits for Money

Submitted by Fox, , Thread ID: 107691

Thread Closed
cutest nulled member
01-12-2018, 08:21 PM
This post was last modified: 01-12-2018, 08:38 PM by Fox
Alright, now i am pretty sure this post is gonna get auto-denied as its not as much as a suggestion as a change in the rules. But i am suggesting this as it seems like a good thing to me. I know i might should not post this, but i will anyway because i think it would improve the forum, even by a little bit.

Now my sugestion is to remove the rule: You shall not trade credits for Money.

So why? You may ask. Well credits are kind of a forum currency, a form of reward for posting, especially leaks. Of course, i posted a few leaks, i really didnt have credits in mind, i just wanted to help like others have helped me,

but what im trying to say is that credits are important in a sense of there being a economy here. And you are allowed to trade credits for whatever EXCEPT money.

Now, this would not be an auto-trade feature like of course, yeah someone could spam 100 post while admins are asleep and trade it for 1$ and make money, but of course that would not happen.

IF we can trade credits for upgrades, in game items, accounts and ANYTHING, Why not just let it be legal on the forums to trade them for money? It simply seems like a useless rule to me.

Not trying to be rude, but that rule (at least to me) has no reason to actually be on the forums and just limits what we do in a bad way. So my suggestion is to remove that rule and go on with our lives.

tldr: lets us trade credits for money because there isnt much of a reason not to.


RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

kill me
01-12-2018, 08:34 PM
I worked around this rule with trading credit for real world stuff example: You buy me this game and I give you x credits.

RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

kill me
01-12-2018, 08:34 PM
I worked around this rule with trading credit for real world stuff example: You buy me this game and I give you x credits.

RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

kill me
01-12-2018, 08:34 PM
I worked around this rule with trading credit for real world stuff example: You buy me this game and I give you x credits.

RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

cutest nulled member
01-12-2018, 08:36 PM
01-12-2018, 08:34 PM
Lolicon Wrote:
I worked around this rule with trading credit for real world stuff example: You buy me this game and I give you x credits.

Makes sense, i just sometimes wish to be able to cash them out / have the money in case i need it / get over the annoyance.

A big part of the idea is just since u can litteraly buy anything, why not be able to buy money.

Or lets say i want a 5$ game ( a not popular random game) no one will have it, especially an extra copy of it they dont want. So that workaround does not really work when you are trying to buy something thats not super big (like spotify).

RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

Blackhat Marketing Specialist
02-12-2018, 07:42 PM
This post was last modified: 02-12-2018, 07:46 PM by cgtweb
Hi Fox

Hope you are well,

I would like to add my feedback to this suggestion, although I am not a mod I feel my word is still respected in the community. I understand what you are saying in that you feel it is a silly rule but rules are put in place to protect the community.

If this rule would to be removed it would cause so many complications and indeed produce a bigger workload on an already strained staff team. I canthink of several examples:

1. who would fund this and what is the demand?

If you are talking about an inbuilt exchange on the site, who would fund this, as much as we want it to money does not grow on trees, whether it is money or accounts and in game credit etc it still costs money or needs to be sourced.

If you are talking about between members then what is the demand? yes plenty of people will want to sell the credits but who would actually want to buy them? There would be no need as they can be earned, I'm sure if people wanted to buy credits the admin team would of built this in to the site as a form of monetisation for the site, but they haven't simply because there is no demand for it.

2. Who is going to monitor this?

If you are talking about in site exchange then who is going to manually sift through all the payment requests? this would mean a lot of work, dozens of requests, then going through posts, threads and content to ensure that the earning of the credits has been legitimate.

If between members who is going to govern the exchanges, there will be charge backs of such, complaints and again if the credits are not earned legitimately then this can produce headaches.

3. This will produce more and more spam

Lets face it Nulled already has a small leeching problem which is still hard to manage now, you throw credit exchange in to that think of the consequences that will follow:

- spam posts
- spam threads
- fake content
- multiple accounts

and I am sure there will be more, I know you said about a non auto exchange but even though you can advertise all over site in huge flashing banners that all is manually checked there are always and I assure you ALWAYS going tobe people out there who think they can cheat the system for a quick buck.

Now me and you are friends Fox and I am in no way trying to shit all over your suggestion but I seriously think that it will be a really bad idea for this rule to be removed.

You know me bro, all I care about is the community hereand yes safeguarding it to and I think this will have seriously bad consequences for the community and hopefully after reading my points outlined above you will realise it is to.

RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

cutest nulled member
02-12-2018, 08:01 PM
Hi there, thanks for your response, it was in-depth, and i have a response to this.

What i meant by the post (yes my post was a bit confusing) is that it would be between members i was actually saying it would be silly otherwise. So yes, all my suggestion would do is allow members to personally trade with other members, so thats where i will respond to your points.

Quote:If you are talking about between members then what is the demand? yes plenty of people will want to sell the credits but who would actually want to buy them? There would be no need as they can be earned, I'm sure if people wanted to buy credits the admin team would of built this in to the site as a form of monetisation for the site, but they haven't simply because there is no demand for it.

yes plenty of people will want to sell the credits but who would actually want to buy them?

My personal response to this is, some people would. Again, coming back to my point that anything can be bought, but in case you want a specific thing, you cant find it for money.

So lets say someone is selling gta 5 for 1500credits (totally random example this would obviously be a crazy deal but its for examples sake)

A is selling gta
B wants to buy it for 1500credits
C has 1500credits and wants to turnit into $

C wants something random that costs real money, so he will sell it to B for a good price. C does not care about his credits, but B wants gta. So B will pay C 10$, and then buy GTA for 1500 credits instead of for the 40$ the game costs.
CONFUSING EXAMPLE but let me simplify

Everyone, gets a deal.

A gets rid of gta copy he does not need
B gets a game for cheaper than he would
C gets rid of his credits

This is why this can be good, it might seem too good to be true that in a trade between 3 parties everyone gets a good deal, and what they want, but its enterily possible.

Quote:If between members who is going to govern the exchanges, there will be charge backs of such, complaints and again if the credits are not earned legitimately then this can produce headaches.

No one would ``monitor`` the exchanges, that might seem like a bad answer, but i honestly dont know what to say about that. People can already buy games, keys, accounts with money and i dont ever see this come up (i spend way too much time on nulled and a surprising amount in the ``scam reports section, i find it fun for some reason.

And for chargebacks, well i have to say is that when you are buying credits for $, like you would sell your games for credits, you would check the users profile, see if they are trusted, usually if they have a rank they can be a little trusted (although it does not have to mean anything) see if they are a spammer, and if you deem them a hq human being, might as well go for it.

Quote:3. This will produce more and more spam

Lets face it Nulled already has a small leeching problem which is still hard to manage now, you through credit exchange in to that think of the consequences that will follow:

- spam posts
- spam threads
- fake content
- multiple accounts

Nulled has its problems, people are selling keys, games etc for credits. Again i hate that i repeat myself, but i just dont see the number going too high. I see if it becomes official news that you can buy /sell credits for $, some people will make posts actually buying credits for $, people might start spamming more, but i dont think it would be in a crazy amount.

Hell, maybe even requiring a rank (prime+) may not be bad. If we are being realistic i think spam will not skyrocket, i rather think there might be a few spammers, few non-avatar, non-rank people with -10 reputation who no one will trade with anyway.

- This was a long post, i dont see myself writing anything THIS long, but i wanted to do this. Cgtweb, we are friends, and i see the points you made, i know you are just trying to help the community, but i think this change would be good, and in the end we will let admins decide


RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

Blackhat Marketing Specialist
02-12-2018, 08:21 PM
This post was last modified: 02-12-2018, 08:22 PM by cgtweb
Hi Mate,
You have raised some valid points here and I very much thank you for your response very HQ as usual, I understand you ambitions for it and you thinking it will do good but unfortunately the admins will not change this due to:

Section Feedback and Suggestion
Rule #8

  • Changing forum rules.

It is against section rules to make a suggestion on changing rules, but as you said mate see what admins say.

Speak soon.

RE: Be able to trade credits for Money

Forum Janitor
02-12-2018, 08:39 PM
I would like to mention cgtweb here as he is right, changes to the forum rules are denied which is why I'm going to deny this suggestion right off the bat.

Fox I would also like to state I like the idea you have come up with but Credits are a forum currency and are award to members for being active within the community. I personally know that credits lack purpose at the moment besides the games on the Credits page and buyable awards as well as the lottery. Otherwise they are pretty useless, unless you are spamming to get those free unlocks when you register. Me personally I trade my credits with users for random steam keys as you can see in this thread for example. There is other ways we could improve the credit system such as a suggestion I made that has been accepted; Credit Betting. Although we do hope to increase the value of credits soon in the sense that you'll have more to do with them and better ways to gain and spend them. Anyways to improve the system that doesn't breach the suggestion rules I'd be happy to hear and so would all others.
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