
How to get out the low tier of ranks on Overwatch!

Submitted by Akiko, , Thread ID: 109138

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14-12-2018, 10:34 PM
Hello, I know you clicked on this because you're obviously trash at overwatch, Why else would you be reading this. I'm going to tell you what you should
actually be focusing on and get your self out of that trashy ass elo. I'm not no professional Top 500 god on overwatch but I'm not trash, I'm currently hanging around High Diamond - Master so please don't think I'm some next level god.

Enjoy these literal quick fast ways to get better:

1. Literally beg your trash team for a good Team Comp, Looking at 2 - 2 - 2 as this is the best for Elo, Good everything to be honest, If every game you could get your entire team to play in a 2 - 2 - 2 ish you will up your chance of winning that game, You wont 100% of the time getting a perfect time such as, Just dive but you will be able to get sort of an ok team to win games.

2. Try to look with friends to play with, Try to get a mercy + rein duo or any duo that you think will work in your elo, This will be amazing as you could just about win every game as you will have perfect communication between the two of you as Mercy + Rein.

3. Communication - Communication is one of the biggest things in Overwatch to get better, Without communication you will not know when one of your Team members are going to ultimate or if they have got a pick fast into the fight, But communication is always key.

4. Team Morale - If you could get your team to listen and group up with you, This is basically as good as being skillful - Just believe in your team and support them in
voice chat, "How do I do this Mr Kirito" just talk to them, Act friendly and very mature and smart.

5. Git Gud - Get good at the game literally, You're at your elo because of your skill when you did your first ever placements.

Idk about these, It took me like 5 minutes to type up off the top of my head. They're ok but they could be so much better - All I'm going to say is
Communication, Kindness, Be good at the game and thats it really.

(Ignore my terrible spelling and grammar, I'm tired.)
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