
Why do you like MineCraft?

Submitted by Cyan122, , Thread ID: 98742

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RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

I'm still playing it, I found it very addictive back in 2013, but now it's a shithole

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

You can reale, there is a lot of like it because its a game whd...and you can be creative. :D

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

because that is game where we can play with friends

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

I like minecraft because it's an open world for you to do what you want when you want, if that's in a singleplayer world just building your house going mining killing mobs or even the ender dragon, but if that get's boring you can join a public server and play with friends or make new ones, In general it's just an amazing game!

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

i dont know why really i just play it on and off sometimes because it can be fun at times with friends

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

I think it is a game that can evolve you're creativity

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

It was a peaceful game mainly its all alone in a big world and build things you would only be able to see if you played single player haha

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

chilling out with friends is the main reason, minecraft is very fun and relaxing

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

I'm grow up with Minecraft, i like it because its a chill game

RE: Why do you like MineCraft?

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