Backend Development

WGS VMware vSphere

Submitted by bogdan1981, , Thread ID: 113108

Thread Closed
25-12-2018, 01:00 PM
Module Overview
WGS VMware vSphereis a fully automated module that will reduce90% of yourIT person cost. With this module,once the user orders the service the admin does not need to create VM manually or install the OS. Moreover the network adapter also manages itself and once the server is provisioned, module will send all the details to end user. We are providing a rich client area UI feature where user can manage all the controls like start, stop, reinstall the server as well as manage the server snapshot.
VMwareFeature List

[Image: vm_list_con4.svg]
Supported Multiple Data Centers
Module is fully supported with multiple Data Centers and host provisioning

[Image: vm_list_con2.svg]
Auto-provisioning feature for VMs when a customer purchases a new VM package.

[Image: vm_list_con3.svg]
VM management Feature
VM management feature for customers to create, start, reboot, shutdown, console and suspend the VMs.

[Image: vm_list_con1.svg]
VM stats
Shows VM stats in the client portal uptime, memory, CPU, disk space used/available, etc.

[Image: vm_list_con5.svg]
WHMCS IP Manager module
Static IP assignment to the VMs by integrating it with the WHMCS IP Manager module.

[Image: vm_list_con6.svg]
Edit VM Config
Options to edit the VM configuration (cluster, data center), rebuild the VM, change the OS, etc.

Full control
Give your clients full control of their Virtual Server with our module , your customers can see live how much resources they are currently using under the usage tab. They can reboot their vps with one click and even get an email when its been completed. Allows your customers to change their password, Reinstall the OS and access the html console etc./p>

[Image: full-cantrol.png]

[Image: full-cantrol-2.png]

Snapshot preserves the state and data of a virtual machine at a specific point in time. Through this tab You can create snapshot. Enter name and description and thats it. Just hit create snapshot and your snapshot is created. Under snapshot list you can view all the snaphot list that you have created. You can remove any snaphot and rename them as well.

Bandwidth alert
Bandwidth managment is great feature of our module. Admin can set the quota limit and even can set the usage notfication limit like 80% usage or 90% usage. In module setting admin can set option like bill to user based on the overusage or suspend the service once bandwidth is exceeded.

[Image: alert.png]


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