Automatic - Players simply have to walk up to a button in order for it to be claimed - Other players can't press claimed buttons. Simple Installation - Owners just have to drop the ezbuttonclaiming folder into their addons directory - That's it! Easy Configuration - Configuration is done through 4 ConVars - You can set these in your server.cfg, along with the rest of your Deathrun config. Change the claim radius - Configure how far away player can claim buttons. Change the interface opacity - Want to include the button claiming, but don't like the indicator text? Visibility can be disabled completely so that button claiming is still active. Change the indicator font - Want your indicators to match your server's theme? There's a ConVar for that too! French Translation Available - Set the ConVar buttonclaim_french 1 in order to translate the claim indicators to French. CHEAP - Do your moderators a favor and make their jobs easier for a low, low price!
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