You know Fdigl I used to take Chinese when I was a little boyand the only words I remember is Ba for Dad and Mama which is accented for Mom. I'm starting Spanish though pretty soon.
Starboy Wrote: Is that Chinese or Mandarin or Japanese?
You know Fdigl I used to take Chinese when I was a little boyand the only words I remember is Ba for Dad and Mama which is accented for Mom. I'm starting Spanish though pretty soon.
fdigl Wrote: It's my first language, so I didn't necessarily choose to learn it.
Well if you had the option to pick back then what language would you have picked?
There are so many languages to learn and that are spoken personally for me I would have picked french because it's a beautifully spoken language and plus I've always wanted to live in France. You get tired of the US, I have always wanted to venture and see the world.
One day it will happen.... just hope it's doesn't happen when it's to late.