Money Talk

PengolinCoin (PGO/wPGO) POS v3 + MN

Submitted by zoneweb, , Thread ID: 207364

Thread Closed
26-05-2021, 04:12 AM
PengolinCoins roots are derived from the cryptocurrency, Dash.
Dash is a fork of Bitcoin, and through it, PengolinCoin retains the valuable features of Bitcoin such as its distributed, decentralized, immutable ledger, and its network of nodes.
PengolinCoin also retains the valuable features of Dash, such as its instantsend technology and its use of Masternodes. Masternodes are a crucial part of the network and provide maximum uptime and service. What distinguishes PengolinCoin from others is that it not only uses Masternodes, but it also uses the PIVX Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm technology.
PengolinCoin uses two different staking systems to run its network- hot staking and masternodes. Rewards are given to PengolinCoin users that choose to maintain a balance of at least one PengolinCoin in their wallets or by storing 100,000 PengolinCoins and running a masternode.
Fast transactions, privacy, and ease of use make this coin perfect for paying or tipping anyone at any time.
Since pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world, PengolinCoin donates a portion of its profits to charity that improves all aspects of pangolin conservation with a greater focus on combating the poaching and animal trafficking, while educating communities. that's a point for the long-term roadmap.
[Image: pgo-black-square-1-png.135618]
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PengolinCoin is a digital currency that allows merchants and e-commerce webmasters to accept crypto payments.
Earn PGO coins by participating daily on the PengolinCoin Discord server ?
[[disallowed website]]
What is the wrapped wPGO?
Wrapped PGO is simply an ERC20 token that represents the real PGO coin on the Ethereum ecosystem. Having an ERC20 token representation allows PengolinCoin to fit into the Ethereum ecosystem, which includes wallets, dapps, and smart contracts.
What is the use case for wPGO?
On the Ethereum ecosystem, wPGO enables the use of a variety of financial instruments already available in DeFi and decentralized trading on Uniswap. In addition, wPGO allows users to offer cash pools (called LPs) to earn additional interest. Finally, users can swap their wPGO for PGO by enabling them a privacy gateway, staking and all other PGO features or swap PGO for wPGO so they can participate in the challenge ecosystem.
Wrapped PengolinCoin (wPGO) has been successfully deployed on the Ethereum mainnet.
The contract address is:
0x952E116156D4b0ae398c1F85dD7683957be08526. The next step is to list wPGO on Dex exchanges and a trading tool for wPGO and PGO. PengolinCoin will not only be part of the Decentralized Financial Ecosystem (wPGO), but will also provide a Privacy Gateway option and other functionality (PGO) for users.
wPGO Telegram Channel: https://[disallowed website]/wrappedpengolincoin
Wrapped PengolinCoin (wPGO) is now listed on Klever! Download app, go to Token Filter, and type in wPGO.
[[disallowed website] Sans", "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", sans-serif]/wrappedpengolincoin][/font][/size][/color][/align]
PengolinCoin (Network)
Discord: [disallowed website]]
[align=center]Telegram group (chat): https://[disallowed website]/pengolincoin
Telegram channel (news): https://[disallowed website]/PengolinCoinNews
Telegram wPGO (ERC20 DeFi): https://[disallowed website]/wrappedpengolincoin

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