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World War III

Submitted by rubenviolinha, , Thread ID: 100587

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RE: World War III

06-06-2019, 11:45 AM
This post was last modified: 06-06-2019, 12:37 PM by Ditto23
Not gonna happen the way things stand now China and Russia is avoiding nuclear fall out North Korea wants the treaty to be done also I believed the US higher ups is the ones that making bad decisions USA got beat by Vietnam , Cuba , some other places and the Korean war the history text books still didn't say who really won the war if you combine china and North Korea vs USA US would get dominated the reserves of North Korea is what terrifies me 5m troops to US's reserves I seeing USA already at a losing end USA isn't the top powerful country anymore we lost that title because we have defectors who giving away tech secrets so in the future China will be evenly matched to the USA while Russia on the other hand has enough troops to retake Alaska if WW3 breaks out Russia will be in Alaska and reclaim it and then we see in books US version of world war the US isn't giving credit to other countries involved all it mentions is the allies and other side a new war slang name I dunno anyways if US keeps provoking countries that agreed to ease up in agreements it could lead to world war 3 or not .

Also to clarify China or Russia or North Korea or other countries has no intentions for WW3 it appears now that USA is seemly provoking conflicts corrupt higher ups within USA claiming a country broke a treaty when in reality every country wants to improve its missile defense system I don't think atomic bombs will be dropped China hasn't even dared to attack US soil this goes for Russia as well after the cold war Russia and USA were and still is rivals but never actually engaged in a war without USA assistance in the 2nd world war Russia would had fallen under the Reich and every time a country gets itself involved in all the national debt of that country increases you have to pay money to support the troops as in giving them food and equipment otherwise they starve in hostile terrain each home turf is different some people prefer the desert others prefer mountains and rural areas each country has its on militia its basically a mini army of loyal citizens nowadays everyone is disappointed in their country's leadership aka the president or prime minister down to the army and Intel agencies everyone is wary about security cameras watching their move the reason why ww3 is not happening now is due to the fears of nuclear fall out raining death and picturing the scene where we get vaporized into ash with that fear it prevents the world from going nuclear nuclear weapons is the final resort of warfare when a country meets a overwhelming force of a enemy country it takes a few nuclear war heads to make the country surrender even if we had WW3 food supplies would be running dry we would have to come up from our bunker to go outside for some fresh air we be back to the age where humanity will struggle to repopulate big cities those cities will be inhabitable for a long time we be fighting for scraps of food we may have the space station in space but no one would be able to use computers to check the station's status like everything in space things that is not repaired in space will fall into the earth's orbit and make reentry .

Cities will be covered in nature nature will reclaim what was taken from it air will be more less populated then people will realized war solves nothing it doesn't get us anywhere everyone suffers in war

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