How many people would want to see Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 remastered for the latest games consoles? Yes? Then we've found the perfect campaign for you. A fan of the first person shooter got in touch with us, who has set up his own petition to try and get Activision, who publish the games, to remake what he believes is the greatest title in the series for Xbox One and PS4. Ramez Zahra wants the old to meet the new. After all, there's been a long line of remastered titles for the new consoles (Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Halo: Master Chief Collection, The Last Of Us Remastered to name just a few) so it's not really a bad idea. Surely it would make everyone happy? According to Ramez, the series hasn't quite been the same since Ghosts, the first one on a new generation of gaming. While you may think he could simply just stick to his favourite version on the old console, he claims the online multiplayer is just full of hackers.
Quote:The maps. Highrise, Terminal, Favela & RUST, The only place to settle things. Pretty much all the maps were incredible. The weapons were just amazing, Killstreaks were also very good.