League Of Legends

Best top lane?

Submitted by shacharshp45, , Thread ID: 80290

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RE: Best top lane?

08-06-2019, 07:28 PM
This post was last modified: 08-06-2019, 07:39 PM by lmao10
17-03-2018, 03:33 PM
Artamo Wrote:
Garen, Vladimir and Malphite are the best ones to play if you want to climb. Unless you're high diamond and above these three will carry you out of your elo. Vladimir isn't really an easy champion but he's really forgiving even if you fuck up so it's a good choice for low elo players. If you're playing Garen it honestly becomes a challenge to fuck something up, he probably has the simplest kit in the game alongside annie. He's the ideal champion for climbing out of low elos. Malphite is a good choice against AD champions as they get absolutely destroyed against him, which is also a reason why I play him mid if my opponent picks Zed or Talon.

Garen is my fav.

07-06-2019, 01:08 PM
TotalBlade Wrote:
Yeah Garen is strong and easy to play , but Darius is strong too . If you take 1-2 kills from start you can be a death machine ^^

How do yo u play as Darius? i dont get his combos.

07-05-2019, 07:57 PM
dmlpleman32 Wrote:
Jax for low skill players, simply because he is scales good and simple to play. For higher skilled players i found renekton very strong.
Isn't jax kinda hard though? Dont you need to know his combos?

07-02-2019, 01:10 PM
TenseiV Wrote:
actualy, urgot this godlike, after riven with the new patch OP as fuck too ;p

i was fuckin' amazed that his w was upgraded to a toggeble machine gun. i was laughing when i discoverd this

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