News and Happenings

World War III

Submitted by rubenviolinha, , Thread ID: 100587

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RE: World War III

28-06-2019, 03:27 PM
So, the way I see it, nobody wants a War, they're going to avoid it as much as possible, but if it comes down to it, they'd rather fight over interests in the areas they've already been fighting, so I'd look for escalation in those areas first as a warning of war with Russia it'll be the middle east, the South south China Sea with China, and since NK is so isolated it'll just be tensions between NK and South Korea. So the first sign is that one of those areas tension and war spring up, if any of those comes to real blows AND the US decides to perform harsh interventions it'll result in everyone lining up on one side or another, then we get WW3.

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