Minecraft Leaks

SkillAPI Premium 1.88

Submitted by swiggle, , Thread ID: 136073

Thread Closed
05-07-2019, 10:17 PM
[Image: title.PNG?raw=true]

NOTE: Before buying this plugin, I strongly recommend you try out thefree version. It has the same skill system and can give you a good understanding of the plugin. I'm aware this plugin is not for everyone and the free version is a good place to figure that out.

[Image: compatible.png?raw=true]

Latest is compatible with 1.7.x - 1.13.x servers

[Image: overview.png?raw=true]
  • Easily create your own skills and classes

  • Robust editorto make skills without any code

  • Easy to use APIfor programmers to tap into

  • Create classes and subclasses

  • Create other types of classes, including races, crafting professions, and more

  • Highly configurable for every aspect of the plugin

  • Many options for casting, such as skill bars, click combos, and more

  • Includes RPG elements such asattributes,class requirements, anditem stats

  • Extensive permission control

  • Elemental damage types and resistances, all integrated with attributes and items
[Image: free.png?raw=true]

There is a free version of this plugin you can try out before buying. It can be found there:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skillapi.4824/

[Image: additions.png?raw=true]

The new additions introduced in the premium version are listed on the wiki,which can be found there.

[Image: dependencies.png?raw=true]
[Image: extensions.png?raw=true]
  • EnchantmentAPI: a plugin for creating customizable enchantments, including tying SkillAPI skills to them

  • Parties:a plugin for creating and joining parties with shared experience

  • Vault + Permissions Plugin:allows using permissions in skills/classes

  • Quests:SkillAPI adds requirements and rewards to Quests

  • BetonQuest:SkillAPI adds conditions to BetonQuest
[Image: wiki.png?raw=true]

SkillAPI Wiki

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