Gummy Wrote: What you define as "real shit" could be trash to someone else. Use your words carefully because you are only stating opinion in the hopes that you will accompany persuasion with false positives.
No, it's solely my opinion. The impressions of other people have no meaning to what I just stated. I simply said I like to stick to the real shit, Real Hip-Hop.
20-11-2015, 09:23 PM
Gummy Wrote: No, I just said I only like logic.
Actually you said "I will listen to anything with Logic in it"
Pretty much stating that I only listen to logic. Also what you define as real hip hop could be trash to someone else.
I bet you're one of those people who say that Tupac is real hip hop. He isn't he rapped about making money and getting bitches, but just on a drum break.