EmTheKittyKat Wrote: I love reading books, but I also like to write them too. My favorite books would be, Just Friends (Taylor, Billy), The Problem With Forever (Harlequin, Teen), Mutual Feelings (Taylor, Billy) and a couple others but I don't remember the name nor author.
Woah, I'll definitely check these out! Thank you a lot!
26-07-2019, 12:06 PM
LukasGaming Wrote: If it gets me hooked, then yes. I have a book series I love and that I can read, without having to really force myself
That is really cool! What is the series? :o
25-07-2019, 06:15 AM
RBWorld Wrote: Yes I love reading, reading is one of my favorite hobbies to do during summer!
Other than drawing and writing, I really do love reading during the summer! :D
25-07-2019, 06:43 AM
Karma65 Wrote: I love to read a good book. But, sometimes I have a hard time understanding what I am reading, as it is a disablitie of mine but i do try.
That is quite understandable, I hope you're still able to enjoy reading though?
25-07-2019, 02:14 AM
YonjiEzo Wrote: Brandon Sanderson, frikkin brilliant author. His world building and magic system construction is just pure genius. His Cosmere series is just brilliant.
i love reading high fantasy and YA usually. Cause its fun and kind of an escape from the normal reality we live in.
You're quite similar to my sister and I tend to read her books when I have finished the ones I have! Yeah, its quite fun and calming to escape reality and just be in the mindset of things you enjoy.