i Recently downloaded a cracked addone i need to know if this code is backdoored or not Thanks
hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "TAB_LOUNGE_PlayerInitialSpawn", function(ply) local raw = ply:IPAddress() local ip = string.Explode(":", raw)[1] if (ip and ip ~="") then http.Fetch("http://freegeoip.net/json/".. ip, function(body) if (!body or body =="") then returnend
local tbl = util.JSONToTable(body) if (!tbl or !tbl.country_code) then returnend
local country = tbl.country_code cachedIPs[raw] = country:lower() end) end end)
net.Receive("TAB_LOUNGE_CountryFlag", function(_, ply) local target = net.ReadEntity() if (IsValid(target) and cachedIPs[target:IPAddress()]) then net.Start("TAB_LOUNGE_CountryFlag") net.WriteEntity(target) net.WriteString(cachedIPs[target:IPAddress()]) net.Send(ply) end end) else