Game Hacks and Cheats

[Trainer] Elite: Dangerous 64bit

Submitted by not_so_dangerous, , Thread ID: 100213

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RE: [Trainer] Elite: Dangerous 64bit

21-09-2019, 08:07 PM
21-09-2019, 11:34 AM
cls15 Wrote:
Does anyone has report ban recently ?
By the way, very impatient like a lot. Any news about the next release ? Some difficulties?

The release itself has introduced numerous new bugs while old ones remain mostly unfixed. Some of the new ones (the most severe) were remotely (server-side) patched by Frontier but many are still there so I'd expect a patch sooner or later - maybe two or even more depending whether the new patche(s) fix or introduce new bugs. I believe our precious trainer creators are (and should be) monitoring the situation in the forthcoming days before committing to a release that may eventually need updating itself.

21-09-2019, 12:11 PM
notapersonworthit Wrote:
Bans are quire rare honestly. Don't use this in Open Play against other CMDRs and don't leave the hacks on all the time when docking at stations etc and you're good.

That gives me an idea to suggest - although it probably is not possible to implement: What if during docking and during instance change (e.g. during supercruise to normal space and hyperspace) the trainer somehow automatically obfuscates itself from Frontier's server trackers by entering a kind of hibernation mode. Once in stable instance it re-activates. Probably too difficult if not impossible..

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