Game Hacks and Cheats

[Trainer] Elite: Dangerous 64bit

Submitted by not_so_dangerous, , Thread ID: 100213

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RE: [Trainer] Elite: Dangerous 64bit

Closed Account
28-09-2019, 01:13 AM
This post was last modified: 28-09-2019, 01:14 AM by ponto2002
27-09-2019, 11:27 PM
anoidhuman Wrote:
Um, what? Which game are you refering too? Elite isn't a "winnable" game...its designed to be convoluted, slow, with the odds always tilted against the player. A bit like dark souls but in space. They've written long winded time sinks and intentionally hidden details to slow and stall the player in the hopes no one will notice the actual content is dry, shallow, and lacking any real substance. Using the trainer allows us to bypass some of the grind and timesink mechanics and gives an edge over the programmed unbeatable pirate we have to constantly run away from to be able to do trades, lets us jump longer distances to see the 400 billion barren systems of general nothingness while we imagine what it would be like if there was actual stuff there.
Don't rush the maker of the program he's not getting paid for it. Frontier barely puts any effort in to the game they make and I for one stopped caring about using it to let me get some margin of enjoyment out of the game. I'm not going to race a clock every time I want to scan some stupid signal source, or run every time some ship appears and wants to pull me out of hyper space. I believe their tagline is blaze your own trail, well my trail involves getting what I want from the program they sold me and this guys work lets me do that in peace. I treat it the same way as that EDDiscovery and other 3rd party software the players have created to make the game worth playing.

You sir are Spot on, i been feeling the exact same way about the exploration and OMG the mining.... shooting rocks really adds to the excitement you know .... like seriously after hours of play you wanna call the suicide hot line ! and trading boy oh boy every time you start making money some where they gotta nerf i, as you said slow the player down !!.

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