Game Hacks and Cheats

[Trainer] Elite: Dangerous 64bit

Submitted by not_so_dangerous, , Thread ID: 100213

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RE: [Trainer] Elite: Dangerous 64bit

29-09-2019, 10:44 AM
I was thinking the other day, all this discussion about FD checking and banning trainer users in open or pg, an idea came to my bored head:
What if there is an approved by Frontier use of the trainer in open / pg by using these simple techniques:
The trainer user can freely use the trainer in open or pg but
1. There is a clearly visible flag / label on the radars & HUD of other human players who are on the same instance with him/her, indicating the player is using a trainer and which particular cheat and in what amount (%) they are using it.
2. and most important: Should the trainer user decide to engage another commander with no trainer in combat, a number of very nasty options (for the cheater) could occur:
A. Trainer users ship self destructs or paralyzes
B. Opponent becomes either indestructible or receives the same or higher amount of shield / hull boost or any other parameter the trainer user is using for their advantage (I call it the Boomerang effect Smile.
C. The trainer user immediately disconnects from the instance and reconnects in solo. With a temporary ban period. Repeated use will increase exponentially the ban period until perma ban after X offences
3. Repeated use of the trainer in order to affect the BGS or com. goals, FD sents in-game warning messages to player and , if player continues, ban to the special mode of solo (already exists) that has no effect on BGS. For X number of days. If player repeats. Perma ban to ban-solo mode.
4. Energy Bomb. Anybody here from the legendary 80's should remember a special weapon in the original Elite: the Energy Bomb. Unfortunately it didn't make it into current E:D. This weapon once activated, could instantly destroye all NPC ships within range of the radar. This is a suggestion for the trainer's programmer(s) for future implementation. But if attempted to be used against real human opponents, yes you guessed correctly: it would destroy only the trainer's ship. It would act as a self-destruct button Smile. Even 1 other real player in the instance would trigger self destruct.

Of course all the above would require enormous programming skills from both trainer dev and frontier dev AND collaboration between the two teams. Frontier devs can not even manage to deliver a bug free update so all the above are just dreams of my bored head.. Sorry for the long post :(..

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