An advanced Level and Experience system made for all types of gamemodes which includes a leaderboard, levels, experience and different types of perks/skills.
Besides from the usual these are the features:
Works on all gamemodes
More ways to gain experience on DarkRP and TTT than just the general stuff.
A circular or a bar hud, players can choose what they want!
Notifications upon gaining experience.
[b]In-game config[/b] for most of the [b]server [/b]related stuff.
[b]in-game config[/b] for all of the [b]client sided[/b] stuff.
Can configure 99% of the addon from the in-game user interface!
The skills are as follows:
[b]Demolitionist [/b]- Reduces damage from explosives.
[b]Fall Damage Resistance[/b] - Reduces fall damage.
[b]Feuerfest [/b]- Reduces fire damage.
[b]One Man Army[/b] - Reduces bullet damage.
[b]Jumper [/b]- Increases jump power.
[b]Usain Bolt[/b] - Increases speed.
[b]Experienced Player[/b] - Increases amount of experience gained.
HOW TO When you've installed the addon you can go in-game and type !slevels or press F6 to open up the menu. After you've opened up the menu you can go to the client or server settings and configure the addon to your liking!