moor2 Wrote: Nah, mate. You just overdid it. They collected all your misfits from certain time period, and then swooped you right away. Its like if you farm 1 cz per week for few milions and 1-2 rank ups, you might be fine untill you get 7 day ban. But if you do that on daily basis, jumping all around with supercharged FSD, or insta jumping right after undocking with no-mass lock, then you shining like bright star on their telemetry checks.
Which is not what I was doing. Pretty much all I used was the ship health and instant hyperspace animation option. The first because I'm an older person, so I don't handle combat well and my reaction times are slow. The second because there's not much to do while waiting for the hypersapce animation to end when playing alone. I also used the option to not have to face your destination to jump. Still had to wait for FSD to charge, still was mass locked, etc.