This pack contains 5 different kinds of a glass: - Clean (Acrylic, Colored, Patterned, etc) - Dirty (Dusty, with stains etc) - Frozen - Shattered - Wet
+ over 35 Material Instances (based on 42 textures) with different glass examples.
Main features: - Vertex paint support - Over 40 textures (Masks + Normal Maps) - Custom textures support (opacity, refraction, roughness override) - Easy and flexible Material Instance workflow - High resolution textures (up to 2k)
Technical Details - 5 Materials - 36 Material Instances - 1 Material Function - 42 Textures (resolution from 256 to 2048) - 2 Meshes
Intended Platform: Desktop / Console
this content is incredible, people should value DEVS and support them