Phones and Apps

Best phone to buy

Submitted by ashrafohm, , Thread ID: 149993

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RE: Best phone to buy

20-11-2019, 04:14 AM
i bought my XR and yes while i do love the phone i wish i went the smarter route and picked up the Google Pixel
Iphones are more for business type people or for people who never had an android and assume they are better

in all reality i would recommend going with an android, because with android its YOUR phone, you can do so much more to it to personalize it

20-11-2019, 03:20 AM
HarryStyles Wrote:
TBH, after being a die hard android fan I tried the iPhone and now I can't switch. Despite loving all the options that android has, I was always a purist but when my nexus 6P couldn't open notes, then Pokemon go and then Facebook messenger (I sold Pokemon go services) without taking 5 minutes and crashing either on the game or FB, I was blown away when the iPhone just "worked", and that's what iPhone is, "it just works", it doesn't have cool widgets, an amazing pen, a 90Hz screen or the best camera, but it's just an all around good phone that can last a while if you take decent care of it, and all those issues you mentioned have specific repair programs that are free and last up to 4 years after the phone's purchase.

but if you wanna go android, the OP 7T is the way to go.
im the same way, i fell in love with my XR and i dont think i will ever go back to android.
there are a few things i do miss about android though

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